Try the political quiz

Libertarian Conservatism platform and policies

These issues below are sorted in descending order based on how important the average Australian voter ranked them on the quiz.


Social  ›  Abortion

What is your stance on abortion?

LC>LC  ChatGPTPro-life, but allow in cases of rape, incest, or danger to the mother or child

Social  ›  LGBT Adoption Rights

Should gay couples have the same adoption rights as straight couples?

LC>LC  ChatGPTYes, as long as they pass the same background checks as straight couples

Social  ›  Gay Marriage

Do you support the legalisation of same sex marriage?

LC>LC  ChatGPTTake the government out of marriage and instead make it a religious decision

the Economy  ›  Equal Pay

Should employers be required to pay men and women the same salary for the same job?

LC>LC  ChatGPTNo, the government should never determine what a private business should pay employees

Healthcare  ›  Mental Health

Should the government increase funding for mental health research and treatment?

LC>LC  ChatGPTNo, incentivise private companies to address this issue instead

How similar are your political beliefs to Libertarian Conservatism issues? Take the political quiz to find out.

Healthcare  ›  Drug Price Regulation

Should the government regulate the prices of life-saving drugs?

LC>LC  ChatGPTNo, limiting drug prices would also limit the investment in research and development into new life-saving drugs

Science  ›  Mandatory Vaccinations

Should the government require children to be vaccinated for preventable diseases?

LC>LC  ChatGPTNo, but require vaccination in order to attend public school

Social  ›  Gender Transition

Should people under the age of 18 years old be able to receive gender-transition treatments?

LC>LC  ChatGPTNo, children should not be allowed to make irreversible life decisions

Social  ›  Euthanasia

Should terminally ill patients be allowed to end their lives via assisted suicide?

LC>LC  ChatGPTYes, but only after a psychological examination to show they fully understand this choice

Social  ›  Death Penalty

Should the death penalty be reinstated?

LC>LC  ChatGPTYes, but only for horrific crimes with undeniable evidence

the Economy  ›  Taxes

Should the government raise taxes on the rich?

LC>LC  ChatGPTReform to a flat tax

the Economy  ›  Minimum Wage

Should the government raise the federal minimum wage?

LC>LC  ChatGPTNo, most minimum wage jobs are meant to develop experience, not support a family

Foreign Policy  ›  Mandatory Military Service

Should every 18 year old citizen be required to provide at least one year of military service?

LC>LC  ChatGPTNo, service should be a choice instead of an obligation

Social  ›  Gender Workplace Diversity

Should businesses be required to have women on their board of directors?

LC>LC  ChatGPTNo, board members should be the most qualified regardless of gender

Social  ›  Transgender Athletes

Should transgender athletes be allowed to compete against athletes that differ from their assigned sex at birth?

LC>LC  ChatGPTNo, athletes should compete based on the biological sex that is listed on their birth certificate

the Environment  ›  Fracking

Do you support the use of hydraulic fracking to extract oil and natural gas resources?


Crime  ›  Private Prisons

Should the government hire private companies to run prisons?

LC>LC  ChatGPTYes, but eliminate contractual occupancy quotas

Immigration  ›  Citizenship Test

Should immigrants be required to pass a citizenship test to demonstrate a basic understanding of our country’s language, history, and government?


Social  ›  Niqāb

Should women be allowed to wear a Niqāb, or face veil, to civic ceremonies?

LC>LC  ChatGPTYes, but their identity must be privately verified by a female staff member

Domestic Policy  ›  Whistleblower Protection

Should the government pass laws which protect whistleblowers?

LC>LC  ChatGPTYes, but only if the information was legally obtained

Immigration  ›  Deporting Criminal Immigrants

Should immigrants be deported if they commit a serious crime?

LC>LC  ChatGPTYes, but after they have finished serving their sentence

the Economy  ›  Economic Stimulus

Should the government use economic stimulus to aid the country during times of recession?

LC>LC  ChatGPTNo, and the government should drastically reduce spending during recessions

Foreign Policy  ›  Foreign Elections

Should the government attempt to influence foreign elections?


Healthcare  ›  Single-Payer Healthcare

Do you support a single-payer healthcare system?

LC>LC  ChatGPTNo, the government should not be involved in healthcare

Foreign Policy  ›  United Nations

Should Australia maintain a presence at the United Nations?

LC>LC  ChatGPTYes, but scale back our current involvement

Immigration  ›  Muslim Immigrant Ban

Should Muslim immigrants be banned from entering the country until the government improves its ability to screen out potential terrorists?

LC>LC  ChatGPTNo, but we should ban immigrants from “high risk” countries

Crime  ›  Drug Trafficking Penalties

Should drug traffickers receive the death penalty?


Domestic Policy  ›  Drug Policy

Are you in favour of decriminalising drug use?

LC>LC  ChatGPTYes, for most but not all drugs

Social  ›  Women in Combat

Should the military allow women to serve in combat roles?

LC>LC  ChatGPTYes, as long as they can pass the same physical tests as men

the Economy  ›  Universal Basic Income

Do you support a universal basic income program?

LC>LC  ChatGPTNo, this will encourage people not to work and harm economic growth

the Economy  ›  Welfare

Should there be fewer or more restrictions on current welfare benefits?

LC>LC  ChatGPTMore, current benefits should be capped

the Economy  ›  Welfare Drug Testing

Should welfare recipients be tested for drugs?

LC>LC  ChatGPTRegardless, we should end all social welfare programs

Science  ›  Nuclear Energy

Do you support the use of nuclear energy?

LC>LC  ChatGPTYes, as long as there is no public subsidy

the Economy  ›  Corporate Tax

Should Australia raise or lower the tax rate for corporations?

LC>LC  ChatGPTLower, but eliminate deductions and loop holes

Healthcare  ›  Marijuana

Do you support the legalisation of Marijuana?

LC>LC  ChatGPTYes, and legalise, tax, and regulate marijuana instead of criminalizing it

Healthcare  ›  Safe Haven

Should cities open drug “safe havens” where people who are addicted to illegal drugs can use them under the supervision of medical professionals?

LC>LC  ChatGPTNo, but legalize drugs

Immigration  ›  Immigrant Assimilation

Should immigrants be required to learn English?

LC>LC  ChatGPTYes, and remove multilingual translations from government documents and services

Immigration  ›  Skilled Immigrants

Should Australia increase or decrease the amount of temporary work visas given to high-skilled immigrant workers?

LC>LC  ChatGPTIncrease, our economy relies on businesses hiring the highest skilled workers at the lowest cost

Crime  ›  Demilitarize the Police

Should police departments be allowed to use military grade equipment?

LC>LC  ChatGPTNo, extreme situations should be handled by higher agencies with specialized training and equipment

the Economy  ›  Labor Unions

Do you believe trade unions help or hurt the economy?

LC>LC  ChatGPTHurt, I support some private unions but am strongly against public unions

the Economy  ›  Government Spending

Should the government make cuts to public spending in order to reduce the national debt?

LC>LC  ChatGPTYes, and eliminate federal agencies that are unconstitutional

Domestic Policy  ›  Flag Burning

Should it be illegal to burn the Australian flag?

LC>LC  ChatGPTNo, this is a violation of free speech

Domestic Policy  ›  Term Limits

Should there be term limits set for members of Parliament?

LC>LC  ChatGPTYes, term limits will increase performance and prevent corruption

Foreign Policy  ›  Military Spending

Should Australia increase or decrease military spending?

LC>LC  ChatGPTIncrease, but only after our deficit is drastically reduced

Foreign Policy  ›  Foreign Aid

Should Australia increase or decrease foreign aid spending?

LC>LC  ChatGPTDecrease, until we drastically reduce our national budget deficit