Try the political quiz

2 Replies


Put more focus on taxing capital gains than corporate taxes, but in general keep corporate taxes the same rate but eliminate loop holes.


Not lower across the board, but proportional on a case-by-case (or industry) basis judging the pre-tax benefit to the economy this business has


Higher on "big business", lower on small business and crackdown on loopholes, deductions and evasions.



Keep current rates but eliminate loopholes and progressively lower deductions on non-renewables.


There are too many different circumstances to generalise and give an accurate answer so in the middle



Abolish and introduce a transaction tax which applies to any business trading in Australia regardless of their headquarter location


Increase for large multinational corporations but lower for small businesses and remove loopholes.


Increase for large multinational corporations but lower for small businesses but eliminate deductions and loop holes


Should remove all taxes and implement a consumption tax. Everyone who spends pays


Lower but eliminate loopholes. They still have to have deductions for genuine expenses.


Lower the tax rate for not-for-profit-corporations, however, slightly raise the tax rate for-profit corporations.

 @98GBVGNSocialist Allianceanswered…1yr1Y

Increase taxes on corporations and lower or eliminate taxes for individuals


Raise, and eliminate deductions and loopholes for large multinational corporations and companies that create harm to the environment


Increase for large multinational corporations but lower for small businesses AND introduce a much lower rate eg 10% for microbusinesses with a turnover of less than $500,000



Increase for large multinational corporations systematically but lower for small businesses


 @92DKHTJLiberal Democratanswered…2yrs2Y

Decrease to size and scope of the Government so in the future they don't grant special government privileges to corporations especially big businesses and tycoons like Donald Trump & Vladimir Putin.


The corporate tax rate should be lowered to a more competitive rate compared to international tax rates of other countries, whilst some loop holes and exploitable deductions should be closed off where sensible.


Lower, but eliminate deductions and loop holes and enable employees to opt for shares/part ownership of the company


Give tax incentives to corporations that produce goods in Australia and/or can demonstrate a benefit to the Australian economy.

 @8Y63RT5Christian Democraticanswered…2yrs2Y

Raise on large corporations and close loopholes and eliminate deductions.


Remove all business taxes. Include any monetary value gains from shares ECT as personal income and tax the richer higher, also tax any money leaving Australia by 50%, keeping money domestic also remove the repatriation tax.

 @8TSMMHPLiberal Democratanswered…3yrs3Y

Abolish "corporations" that get their riches unfairly (NIKE sweatshops, Medical Business with IP, etc) and reform them as worker co-ops if possible, or abolish them completely. Taxation is always extortion.


Keep it the same, find a solution for the major corporations that pay no taxes at all. They should contribute


Increase for large multinational corporations and keep it the same for small businesses


Raise, and focus on closing loopholes, tax evasion and taxing shareholders and stock holders.


Introduce a special economic zone north of the Tropic of Capricorn that lowers corporation tax to 19%.


Same Flat tax rate for individuals and companies of any size. Fair for all.


Raise the Corporate tax rate, and reduce, if not eliminate tax loopholes and deductions.


many business owned and operated in Australia should receive a lower tax rate then any international company


Reform - simplify, remove tax avoidance loopholes and introduce a fixed percentage on earnings. (Dividends should be taxed in the same manner.)


Keep the current rates and start taxing churches that function as religious corporations.


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