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 @ISIDEWITHDiscuss this answer...3yrs3Y



A high amount of adults who transition as kids have high suicidal rates because they made this irreversible decision when they were young and immature.

 @ISIDEWITHDiscuss this answer...3yrs3Y

No, children should not be allowed to make irreversible life decisions

 @ISIDEWITHDiscuss this answer...3yrs3Y

No, and ban all gender transitioning treatments


Why should you be allowed to dictate how someone else lives their life? It is up to them and only them. If that is what they want, they should be allowed to do so. Gender transition treatments can be performed safely and if it makes someone feel better about themselves, they should be able to have access to such treatment.

 @ISIDEWITHDiscuss this answer...3yrs3Y

Yes, but only for non-surgical treatments such as puberty blockers and hormone therapy

 @ISIDEWITHDiscuss this answer...3yrs3Y

Yes, but only if they are at least 16 years old

 @ISIDEWITHDiscuss this answer...3yrs3Y

Yes, but with parental permission


Parents are most likely the ones who are enforcing their children to have life changing gender-reassignment surgeries, so saying parental permissions on gender transition for under 18s is pretty pointless.


No, gender treatsments should not be allowed for people underage as these treatments are irreversible and damaging to the human body, and a child should not make those decison as they still to young to make life altering decisions

 @ISIDEWITHDiscuss this answer...3yrs3Y

Yes, as long as treatment is not subsidized by the government

 @9H7CX5TOne Nationdisagreed…5mos5MO

As someone who has come into contact with many children who have gone through this treatment, or even simply social transition, I have seen the regret of transitioning firsthand. If a minor cannot smoke, drink, have sex, get married, or get a tattoo, they CANNOT consent to permanent mutilation that will impair their entire life course, from fertility to economic and social opportunities. Gender dysphoria and transgenderism are mental illnesses that should be treated with compassion and reformation, not butchery.


i think it's important to have a real and open discussion about this with those who you trust to have your best interests at heart. it's important to have an understanding of the risks associated with a life changing procedure, or taking medication. I am very supportive of any decision that is going to impact someones life in a positive way, and I believe that every single person has the right to express their individuality in whatever way work for them.


A person’s brain is not fully developed until they are 25 so i believe they shouldn’t be allowed until 18. Additionally i think that it does have some negative effects on a person. I don’t know enough on this topic to make an educated answer.

 @9JXQSDCGreen disagreed…2mos2MO

Transgender Lives Matter

but they can drive a car and the can vote and they can get married before 25 for gods sake they can drink alcahol why is this not ok but all the things i have mentioned okay TRANS LIVES MATTER queer lives matter transgender and lgbtq peope exist get with it


No, but teens reporting gender dysphoria need to be given humane and sensitive care that allows them to express themselves.


Only for medical instance where the child was born with a malfunction in their reproductive organs or overall hormonal system, but if it's just someone's choice, they need to be an adult first.


Yes, but only after undergoing an extensive psychological evaluation and with parental permission. After they turn 18, they should be allowed to do whatever they want.


Yes, but not before several psychological and psychiatric review sessions, and nothing life-altering before 16 unless it is puberty blockers.


Yes, only for non-surgical treatments. Puberty blockers are fine if given parental consent, hormone replacement therapy should not be given until age 16 with parental consent.


Depends on the treatment (they should be safe and non-surgical). The individual in question should a mid-to-late teenager because of this.


Only for people aged 16+ who have consulted medical professionals who believe that gender transition treatment is right for them, but restrict it to only treat as far as the extent that the person and the medical professionals say should be taken.

 @9CFH534One Nationanswered…10mos10MO

No. All those who aid a child in transitioning before they are 18 should be prosecuted for child endangerment.


It should have the same kind of legal status as other kinds of plastic surgery such as face lifts


Yes but only when with the endorsement of a qualified medical professional



No, not under the age of eighteen year old. Eighteen year old is a legal age.


Yes, but only after psychological support and evaluation and only for reversible treatments




No, children should receive as much help as needed, the option to visit a counsellor, but not be allowed to make irreversible life decisions


Yes, but only for non-surgical treatments such as puberty blockers and hormone therapy until they are at least 16 years old. Past 16, 100% yes.



I believe people under the age of 18 should not be able to go on Hormone Replacement Therapy. I do think that puberty blockers and social transition should be allowed given the minor is in consistent contact with a gender specialist.



This is a tricky question, and I guess is dependant on case by case. Of course children are entitled to freedom of speech and freedom regarding their body, however as a teenager I was quick to make decisions based on social standards and in the moment emotions, I think setting the boundary at least allows a child time to develop and understand what they are looking to do


Yes, only if the person is found in a state of physical health to do so at an age specified to be able


Yes; benefits and risks of accepting or declining any kind of medical intervention, particularly those with lasting ramifications, must be thoroughly and cautiously evaluated by the patient, and or their parent/guardian, in consultation with the relevant medical specialists.


Yes after psychologist consultations and education to understand what this means but not for people under 26 yes old


Yes, as long as they are at least 16 or 18, undergo therapy and truly understand all the risks and benefits before undergoing transition.


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