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Yes, but adoption laws should be harmonized with access to IVF for gay and straight couples, so that lesbian couples must meet the same requirements for using IVF as gay men for adoption.


they should only be allowed to adopt other gay people to get them out of our homes


Yes but, I believe a mother and father family structure is best for the child No, and adoption agencies should prioritize offering children to straight couples before offering to gay couples.

 @8HNQDZZOne Nationanswered…4yrs4Y

No and It should be taken into consideration the toll it may take on the child. Bullying and those questions of why they had two mums or two dads


Yes, gay couples can adopt as long as they aren’t trans and aren’t pushing non binary, gender neutral rubbish on society and the child


Yes but i feel like the child should be of age to make their own choice if they would feel comfortable with it


This isn't that relevant in Australia as only a small number of additions occur. What we need is to legalise surrogacy.


a stable and loving hetero couple is ideal due to different gender roles but a stable and loving gay couple is always prioritised over an unstable foster system


A stable and loving heterosexual family is ideal due to different gender roles, but a stable and loving homosexual family is better than an unstable foster home.


Yes, Having a home is better than being in Foster care but I believe it is better to be in a house with a mum and dad.



I believe LGBT couples should get adoption priority. Straight couples can wait their turn since the system is a big failure.


Yes however adoption agencies should prioritize offering children to straight couples before offering to gay couples


I say NO . I am a Christian and I know God loves EVERYONE....including babies why don't we start a program that woman who are going to abort have an opportunity to save their child and give him/her to the Gay couple who will love the child as their own.

This will then stop mental health issues with the mother who has regret in the future for killing her child. It will stop the murders of beautiful children who are alive in the womb and it will give Gay Couples the greatest gift of a child to bring up as their seems to be a Win Win for all involved.
The Mother would not have murdered the child . Maybe she should also be paid to give birth to the child by the Adoptive parents to be $10,000.
Lets not feel for the woman who is pregnant most of the time it is bc she chose to have sex...Lets be honest. Let be PRO LIFE.


only if they have a direct blood relationship with the child being adopted


In child adoption, when all other suitability factors remain equal between candidates, preference should be given to heterosexual couples, but not at the expense of a child to be adopted, into a loving home.


Yes, but I do personally believe mother and father families are better and more stable for a growing and stable social economy. Adoption agencies should prioritise mother and father families first.


No, if it comes down to an infertile straight couple trying to adopt, the infertile straight couple should be prioritised. If both straight and gay couples are trying to adopt out of choice, it should then be the same.


No, and I believe a mother and father family structure is best for the child in most cases

 @8ZKYX3ROne Nationanswered…2yrs2Y

No, a child has the right to both a mother and a father, while not always an option, it is the ideal.


Only if the birth parents have agreed for the adoption of their baby to gay couples.


I think yes but they need to be able to have a stable and loving environment for the child to grow up. Like straight couples you need to be able to provide for a child.


Religious Organisations should have the right to refuse adoption to homosexuals. (Only if they want)


Yes, but I would always try and get a straight couple where possible as I believe it is better for that child and their mental health in the long run.

 @8MDSH8VOne Nationanswered…3yrs3Y

Yes, as long as they have a mother/father figure ready for proper child development

 @8MDQD4JLiberal Democratanswered…3yrs3Y

Yes, but its not the government's prerogative to dictate who can and can't adopt based on sexual orientation.


Adoption is about the rights of a child to have two parents. Not about the rights of the adults

 @8ZRG2TDOne Nationanswered…2yrs2Y

Yes but only if it can be shown that children have positive opposite-sex role models closely involved with the upbringing. Some sociological traits are passed down through the different genders and both are required for healthy mood regulation


if they got raped then they should be able to abort, if not then they should not be able to



Depends, if a gay couple is more safe and loving than another straight couple then yes.


I think it honestly just depends on if the parents are good people and will raise the child to be a kind and compassionate person, not on the gender or sexual orientation of the parents


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