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100 Replies


Yes but with the same level of science based critique of negative effects as smoking and alcohol receives so that individuals can make informed choices


Yes, legalize tax and regulate but add instead of it being punitive criminal problem, treat as a health problem and refer to health services - see Portugal model



Only for medical use, only as an oil or non smoking form, only with the hallucinogens removed


I think all drug use should be looked down upon, but that is for communities at large to handle. It should be legalised and possibly even taxed, but the negative effects (even as a painkiller) should be considered by others before use.


De-criminalise all drugs and provide education, rehabilitation and counselling services etc (like successful European countries) tailored to the severity and nature of drug I.e marijuana vs. hard drugs


Yes, it already is in Canberra, why nit the rest of the country with the same rules and penalties.



Yes but the smoke cannot affect members of the public or minors in a household.




Yes, it should be legalised, taxed and regulated along with having prisoners released that are serving time solely for marijuana use.



Yes. But only if there are carbon offset programs to reduce the negative environmental effects of the cannabis industry.


I am a health care worker and i know Marijuana helps peoples pain and gives them peace. It is a natural plant and the law gets in the way of Human rights. People are forced to take pharma products with choice .


Yes, but increased rehabilitation programs need to be made available to help those who will develop addiction



Yes, but with the same limitations as alcohol, ie. no usage whilst operating vehicles, etc.


No, but for medical usage. Marijuana crimes should also only be enforced when a crime is evident.




Yes, but with a legal age limit set by the age when brain development is completed (age 25-28) to reduce mental health harms


Yes, but only on private property. I don’t consent to second hand smoking.



Yes although I believe that the results of legalisation should be observed for a while and after a final decision should be made.


No, but personal possession should be decriminalised and instead be treated as a health issue. Mandatory rehab and supervision. And previous offenders should be released



Yes. And use the money currently spend on court and jails for educational programs.


no, but marijunana use should be decriminalised and allowed for medical use

 @8XS3YXSDemocratic Labouranswered…3yrs3Y

Yes, regulate, tax and use it for medical use, but have ways to help people with the drug and any negative effects.


Yes, but enforce new laws prohibiting the abuse of the drug at certain age.


Yes, and re-evaluate the innocence of any persons currently serving time for previous use of marijuana


Not that I would do marijuana but in a way, yes. But I wouldn’t recommend having an addiction to marijuana therefore like alcohol, it can ruin the lives of the many people who have those habits.


Yes, predominantly for medical use. As well as immediately release anyone currently serving time, and clear conviction records for solely marijuana related drug offences


Yes, but only for medical use. have extreme low amount of resources and for emergency use. resources need to be somehow observe closely.

 @B2GTGBX answered…4wks4W

No, but decriminalisation of all drug use and a Pardon for all who have convictions based around drug use and possession.


No, not unless they are willing to legalise clinical trials for psylocibin to treat depression as well.


No, the effects of using marijuana and especially secondhand smoke from recreational marijuana can be dangerous


Only if you’re under the age of 18, are healthy, don’t use it too regularly, have regular checkups, aren’t addicted or have prior problems with drugs or alcohol, aren’t selling it illegally, don’t become aggressive or paranoid, or if it’s been recommended by a doctor.


Yes, for medical purposes and it should be decriminalised rather then legalised for users who are recreationally using.


yes, legalise it and also tax and regulate marijuana similar to how cigarettes are taxed and immediately release anyone serving time solely based on cannabis offences


Yes, but institute and increase funding on the proper programs that can aid in recovering from drug use.


Creating special licenses for marijuana use for people 18 years+ and create both mental and physical tests to dictate whether or not they should be allowed to use it.


No, however decriminalise cannabis but have a proper debate into whether cannabis should be legalised


i think that it should only be taken for people who take it for health reasons or destress especially if that need it


Yes, but only medicinal use in regulated dosages and proven treatments, no smoking, edibles etc


Yes, and those incarcerated for Marijuana related offences should immediately be released


Yes, but only for medical use. Even then, it shouldn't be Marijuana (the plant), but cannabis oil with all the addictive substance removed. Legalising it for medical research would be beneficial though.


For medicinal purposes yes, rehabilitation should be provided for those who do not meet the criteria


I don't really mind it. As long as it's handled correctly, it could be beneficial for our economy. However, strict regulations are necessary.


if it has been proven or if there is investigations that shows it is safe... then yes but if the science contradicts and says its dangerous then it should stay illegal.

 @9K9VF63Labor answered…12mos12MO

Yes if it can be taxed and CONTROLLED so it does not end in chaos Also release anyone who is serving time for Marijuana crimes


It should be legal but due to the studies shown, vaping was formally used to reduce a persons addiction to smoking however that turned out to be a problem that we now face.


recreational cones are fine, but if someone does something under the influence they should be punished.


Depends on what it's used for (Yes for chronic medical conditions like epilepsy. Don't let mentally ill people have access if it gives way to the risk of them getting violent.


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