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Personally I think Government should assist at times to help business`s but I have no faith in them at all to actually do what is required or would work

 @98LDNWJfrom Massachusetts answered…1yr1Y

Stop most spending in general regardless but cut all spending ALL spending during a recession/depression


Yes, but get the high income earners to have a specific tax that requires a portion of their funds to be donated to community services and education


Yes, but stimulus should go straight to those in lower socioeconomic groups.


Yes, though support for workers to turn their companies into worker-owned and run co-ops



Yes but in the form of tax break for low income earners, and assisting those that are most heavily hit by recession.


Yes, but I think there should be more public voice on how the aid is used


Yes, to aid recovery and avoid suffering but with conditions to ensure effectiveness


Yes, combined with Universal Basic Income that everyone gets paid but counts to wards income for the year and gets paid back via tax levels. That UBI can be turned up or down for stimulus. Current stimulus does not work, systems are taken advantage of and its generally unfair.

 @8ZKYX3ROne Nationanswered…2yrs2Y

Yes but only invested in projects that generate an income for the economic recovery, money should not be spent on services and projects that are dead money.


Yes but only so much as that the debt will not increase beyond 90% Debt to GDP



Yes, but spending on infrastructure that benefits the common good & provided jobs in creating common good assets - like social housing & public transport.


Yes... by tax breaks for low income and economic aid to disability, carers and elderly (only if they financially need it)

 @kristoDemocratic Labouranswered…4yrs4Y

Economic Stimulus is vitally important to ensuring the economy and industry can survive through a crisis -- government spending should be carefully targeted to sectors with reliable returns and those which boost spending by all citizens, chiefly those with the least money to spend.


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