Recreational use of illicit drugs including marijuana, cocaine and heroin is currently illegal in Australia. In 1985, the federal and state governments adopted a National Drug Strategy which included a pragmatic mixture of prohibition and a stated objective of harm reduction. Between 1998 and 2007 overall illicit drug use declined close to 40%. Amphetamines use declined by 38%; cannabis use fell by close to 50%; and use of heroin dropped by an impressive 75%. In February 2016 parliament amended the Narcotics Drugs Act, and created a national licensing scheme for the controlled cultivation and testing of medical cannabis.
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Only Marijuana and tax it at 99%. Life sentences for anyone who grows their own
No, we should have the political will to remove the drugs from our streets. I'm sure the authorities know who the dealers/importers are and are most likely to be. I honestly think that it is such a lucrative black market business that the government turns a blind eye or lacks the political will to enforce the law.
Strongly support medical license drugs such as marijuana and ketamine - though wish to keep them medicinal
Decriminalise marijuana, increase addiction prevention and rehab funding, reduce sentences for non-violent possession crimes, increase punishment for dealers and drug traffickers
regulate and tax drugs that have a potential for medicinal and recreational use that has a limited impact on society
Yes, for a few such as decriminalise drugs that offer medicinal benefits such as marijuana; increase funding for addiction prevention and rehabilitation; and retroactively reduce sentences for already serving time with regards to marijuana based crimes
The criteria for which drugs are illegal must be consistent. There is no scientifically literate argument for why marijuana is worse for you than alcohol.
no but decriminalise marijuana and other medicinal drugs and put more money and effort into rehabilitation programs. Drug dealers should serve longer sentences though.
The government should produce and distribute drugs to the public, charging distributors licensing fees and taxing drugs similarly to alcohol or tobacco. It should then punish black market providers more harshly.
Yes, but limited to marijuana and the tax and fines associated to go towards NDIS supports and drug rehabilitation programs.
Yes, increase funding for programs that provide free drug testing and safe injection equipment while increasing funded prevention and rehabilitation programs
Decriminalise drugs like marijuana. Any hard drugs should be banned, and there should be harsher punishments for those dealing said hard drugs. However, someone feeling solely marijuana that is not laced, should not be forced into a 20 year prison sentence, while rapists get off free
no, but we should both decriminalise medicinal drugs like marijuana but also increase funding for addiction prevention and rehabilitation
Yes, but only after extensive research has been completed to prove the safety of the drugs and that it be treated the same as alcohol
Yes, reduce sentences for those serving and spend money on programs to rehabilitate users back in to society and make services accessible
Only decriminalise drugs that do not harm its users and the people around them, there should also be more rehabilitation facilities and the drugs in question should be monitored by the Australian Pharmaceutical Association to make sure they are safe for consumer use. However it should be punishable for selling unregulated drugs and also selling to minors.
Drug use should be treated as a medical issue rather than a criminal issue, however, laws around dealing drugs should still be intact.
Yes but with regulation, we should allow people of society to purchase non-harmful drugs of all sorts, but the more harmful drugs should be limited and people should have a certain amount regulation, and all harmful and addictive drugs with exceptions should not be provided to people with criminal records involving drugs, same with people with history’s of addiction.
Possibly, not for all drugs of course and make sure to provide help and rehabilitation to anyone struggling with addiction
No, decriminilise drugs that offer medicinal benefits, but ensure that people have permission from medical experts to buy them, increase funding for rehab, up the punishments for drug dealers
No, but the government should give drugs to people already using them, and then provide a smaller dose, so the people who are addicted to drugs are in a safe place and taking a safe amount before they translate themself without a life of drugs.
Lots of illegal drugs are bad, but some are very useful for medicinal uses. Whether it's for pain numbing or rehab.
i dont really care too much, as long as their are facilities helping individuals who want to become sober from the drug and their are public information informing the public on the potential dangers, then we chill
Yes, but increase penalties for those who sell drugs and increase funding for addiction prevention and rehabilitation.
No, decriminalise drugs that offer medicinal benefits such as marijuana and increase funding for addiction prevention and rehabilitation
No, but fund addiction prevention and rehabilitation as well as introduce reduced sentences for offenders
All drugs use for recreational use should be banned and gotten rid of, but for pain and helping with health should have a prescription to have.
I would be in favour of decriminalising drug use but only alongside the introduction of an extensive rehabilitation and education program that would replace the role of the judicial system in cases of consumption
If the drugs are medication then it should be decriminalised, otherwise drugs should not be decriminalised.
we should help the addicts become unaddicted and sober. so we need to put more funding into rehab centres and support them because addiction is an illness. we also need to have free mental health care that way people wont become addicted easily.
Yes all drugs should be fully legalised and suppliers to register as ligit businesses and be taxed accordingly
Yes, but increase the education in drugs and have it censored/ controlled/given out by medical professionals based on the individuals preferences, history and geneti s.
put laws in place to regulate drug use and increase funding for rehabilitation and addiction prevention
if the drugs are medicated then they should be decriminalised but drugs like tobacco and all of the drugs such as tobacco meth and cocaine then they should be criminalised and test the drugs so if they can be medication or not
I think that we should still have drug laws, but when people become addicted or go to jail for these things, take them to a rehab centre instead of jail.
@9G7SN4G 1yr1Y
Yes, include sentence reduction for serving and positve rehabilitation and community connection programs.
Yes because the main culprits are the ones who actually manufacture and sell drugs. By decriminalising drug use, we aren't targeting the root problem.
It ultimately depends on the kind of drugs, though one thing for sure is that the war on drugs is a humanitarian crisis and we need to relax our restrictions and focus on more humane methods of reducing illegal and harmful drug usage. We should provide aid to those addicted to drugs rather than punishing them. More humane alternatives to prison sentencing must be provided for non-violent and other certain drug offenses. We should also relax restrictions on medical drugs and marijuana.
Yes, but provide support for those who suffer from addictions so that they can get through it and live a good life.
for some drugs should be legal, some drugs no
Yes, for recreational marijuana and for managed/prescribed psychedelic use by a physician
Yes, and increase punishments for people dealing drugs
Yes all recreational drugs should be legalised, taxed and regulated
It is important for people who are addicted to drugs to receive proper treatment and care for their addiction. The dealing of dangerous drugs should be criminalized (it is), but for usage, there shouldn't be a punishment, just government covered care. after their hospitalization as well, there should be regular mandatory check us to make sure usage hasn't started again. however, for dealers who do not use, there should be a punishment for active human harm.
if u wanna be a druggo go be a druggo mate
The community is going to use drugs but we should enforce safer ways to do it
Yes, only marijuana. also legalize the plantation of drugs such as marijuana and tobacco.
@9D4PYM6One Nation2yrs2Y
only some drugs should be decriminalised the rest have charges increased
Yes, for most but not all drugs, and have high recovery laws. A person should wait for 24 to 48 hours before driving a car.
I think that both increased funding for addiction prevention and rehabilitation are very important but also that medicinal drugs should be legalised so that they can be monitored better to prevent addiction to those.
well some drugs are good for people who are prescribed to them but non prescribed drugs are notgood
Heavily depends on the drug, some aren't as big of a deal as they are made out to be and should be decriminalized, if only for the sake of those addicted and sourcing from unsafe avenues.
Not marijana but certain others yes
@8WD8J9VOne Nation3yrs3Y
Only class B drugs e.g marijuana
For things like cannabis and natural psychedelics; yes. For dangerous substances like methanphetamine, or flakka (zombie drug); drugs like this; no.
Yes, but only if all the funds saved are used for drug rehabilitation
Yes, but put in place strong rehabilitation programs and addiction prevention
Yes, and release all non violent drug offenders (except if they sold to minors they deserve to rot if they've done that)
For ones that provide medical use
Drug use should be for benificial people
Yes for some selected lower harm drugs
drugs used for medical reasons are fine but drugs that can seriously damage people should be illegal
yes, drugs being illegal only create more drug trafficking and consequently more deaths, since a individual who wants to do drugs will do drugs regardless if its legal or not, but if those drugs were legal the individual would know that he's getting the real drug instead of a laced one. schools should teach more about the risks of taking every drug not only illegal but legal ones as well. but every drug should be banned the using in public spaces
Yes but only for marijuana and decrease or pardon the sentences of those incarcerated for marijuana based offences
Yes, and retroactively reduce sentences for those already serving time and increase funding for addiction prevention and rehab
It depends on the drug, drugs which cause extreme harm to individuals and cannot reduce this risk by decriminalisation, then it should stay this way.
No, but decriminalise marijuana for medicinal purposes only
Yes, and provide services to aid those suffering from addiction
No, but lower prison sentences and focus on rehabilitation.
No, but decriminalise some drugs for medicinal purposes only
Yes, but only for medical úsese
Yes but only with alcohol, marijuana and cigarettes. All other drugs should have tough laws on them unless they're needed medically.
no, only if drugs are prescribed by a doctor
Yes, however i dont belive that medicinal drugs should be discriminated angainst, for example, marajuana. There is evidence that it has helped stop shaking in people with Parkinsins
No, but decriminalise drugs that offer medicinal benefits and offer rehab rather than prision for other substance abusers
treat addiction as the medical problem it is
Only minor possession should only be finable
It’s shouldn’t be a crime but rather a reform to help the drug user
No, but decriminalise medicinal drug and benefits and increase funding for addiction and rehabilitation centers.
yes, its your choice what you put into your body
Drug use should be handled as a medical issue first and foremost.
Should remain illegal but consequence should be lighter, especially when compared to other consequences
Yes, section 10 drugs to be decriminalised and treatment turned to specialist doctors. Better mental health, housing and community out reach programs.
Yes but not for cocaine, heroin, ice, fantasy, and all the other drugs that negatively affect a persons behaviour and lifestyle
Yes - if you had the ability to distribute drugs in a safe way where people could purchase it would mean less crime and harm to families
Yes, for some natural drugs that can aid in holistic health and increasing funds for drug addiction centres. Increase funding for research and education on natural and pharmaceutical drugs
Yes, there should be less stricter sentencing around drug use and stricter sentencing on worse crimes such as murder, pedophilia and assault; and there should be increased funding for addiction prevention and the sentencing should be focusing on rehabilitation rather than punishment.
Only certain drugs like weed
Yes and introduce prescription use for those struggling with addiction
Weed should be the only one made legal
No, but increase funding for addiction prevention and rehabilitation and decriminalise drugs that offer medical benefits such as cannabis
Yes, for specific drugs e.g. marijuana, MDMA, Cocaine, psychedelics (excluding DMT and others on that vain) substances such as meth and heroin should still be illegal
Yes, but only for drugs with little to no addictive effects, and with appropriate legislation in place to protect the safety of themselves and the community, e.g drug driving laws.
Yes, alongside increased education of the effects of drug use
For some drugs, and increase funding for addiction prevention and rehabilitation
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