Try the political quiz

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Senators should be representatives of us, not chosen by the party. If this is the case, there should not be a term limit on the people's demands.


No they should be allowed to represent their state until they want to retire.


No, but have vote of no confidence to remove officials who are no longer representing the people at large, just their sponsors and "mates".


No. However, Australians should be able to vote for early termination if the senate is not performing to the standard or benefiting Australia


No, officials gain valuable experience and become more effective representatives over time, decrease their retirement benefits.


No, instead decrease salary and benefits but allow them to be in as long as the public votes them in


No, but de-incentivise retirement benefits above a certain earning threshold


In the interests of renewal and ideas, career politicians should not exist. Maximum 3 terms



No, we already have term limits that are called “elections”. Salaries and retirement benefits should be reduced


depends who we want clive we want clivewe want clive we want clivewe want clive we want clivewe want clive we want clivewe want clive we want clivewe want clive we want clive



Longer terms 4 years isn’t enough to make any headway 2-300 year plans like China



Being a senator is a job is it not? There are elections already that can end your career, and there is the option of retirement. Term limits are dumb.


There should be term limits. Having limits prevents corruption and often allows a younger generation to get into Senate earlier. Some could argue inexperience, but often it is true that a younger person offers a lot more insight into genuine social and environmental issues.


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