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Federal Electorate:

59 Replies

 @4Z87MLMfrom Queensland  answered…4yrs4Y


This issue runs back to basics. Early childhood is where a majority of issues stem. Relieve pressure on families and a lot of mental health care issues are removed

 @4THNSYZfrom Victoria  answered…4yrs4Y

Don't really care about this, most nutcases bring it upon themselves by abusing drugs.


How has a personal challenge or struggle changed your perspective on seeking help or support?


Inequalities to accss and diagnosis have prevented me from being formally diagnosed or seek treatment



I haven’t had many big struggles, but I think that seeking help or support is amazing

 @4WTTYNJfrom Victoria  answered…4yrs4Y

 @4ZG2RJBfrom Victoria  answered…4yrs4Y

 @4ZFNRLDfrom Western Australia  answered…4yrs4Y

Yes there needs to be more funds allocated for better treatment. The research is already out there. 93% of people in mental institutions don't belong the as they are suffering from sub-clinical nutritional deficiencies.

 @4VC2SDDfrom New South Wales  answered…4yrs4Y

 @4ZDSBX6from Victoria  answered…4yrs4Y

I would prefer to see a question that asks me if I'd like to increase the funding into research for childhood cancers. If I can lose my 5 year old niece to a brain tumour that has NO federal funding for research and also has a 0% survival rate, suggests to me that something is wrong with where we allocate research funding.


not at all, mental health isnt a thing and is fake. people cant get depression they just get it to gain attention. if i had any mental illness i would just not care and it will go away. mental health is not an issue at all and is just some made up thing to make my generation more weak

 @9FB8KYYfrom Washington  answered…1yr1Y


this country does too little for mental health and as long as I have lived it has put more effort into participating into other countries wars and creating mental issues for humans than it has put into the healing of people.


In what ways do you think society's understanding of mental health has evolved in the last decade?


More and more people are aware that some people seem like they are ok but deep down they are not and that encourages people to ask the question if they are alright or not.


University trained Counsellors need to be given access to Medicare to support the mental health crises.



Yes, with a focus on systems equally available to all citizens (including rural and remote)


Yes, but the effort should be in making it more accessible for everyone, and perhaps less feminised for men, and really try to promote more diverse mental treatment catered to diverse groups.


-Government shouldn’t mandate how you should think or deem you mentally ill for thinking differently (while not showing harm to yourself or others) -Culture and support systems just as important as mental health services


No understanding of the level of funding or how it is currently spent or targeted


Yes, and decriminalise psychedelics which have proven mental health benefits


Yes but functional/holistic alternatives should be allowed and funded also.


Yes. But government should look into traditional methods used intentionally or accidentally in communities that has less mental health issues and initiate changes in lifestyle to prevent mental health issue. There is not much in the current system.


Yes, but only subject to a royal commission into mental health funding reform


I think that we should stick with the current funding for mental health research and treatment



What role do you think social media plays in shaping our perceptions of mental health?


How do you differentiate between not feeling okay and needing professional mental health support?


Have you ever faced stigma or misunderstanding about mental health, and how did you handle it?


What small daily actions do you believe can significantly impact one's mental well-being?


How do schools and workplaces need to change to better support mental health?

 @3BFCWT2Katter’s Australianfrom Queensland  answered…4yrs4Y

Yes, Australia should increase federal funding for research on how to prevent mental illness from birth.


This question is too broad based to be useful, as the term mental is such a blanket term.

 @9SSKRHN answered…5mos5MO

The repairs treat should mental health waiDHB is caring facility as auckDHB in support of Australian hospital rooms


How do you think characters in movies and TV shows influence our views on mental health, and is this positive or negative?


In what ways do cultural backgrounds and traditions impact our understanding and approaches to mental health?


Can you share an experience where talking about your feelings made a situation better or worse?


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