Should Australia increase or decrease the amount of temporary work visas given to high-skilled immigrant workers?
Skilled temporary work visas are usually given to foreign scientists, engineers, programmers, architects, executives, and other positions or fields where demand outpaces supply. Most businesses argue that hiring skilled foreign workers allows them to competitively fill positions which are in high demand. In 2016 the Migration Council announced a proposal where students trained at US and UK universities and colleges could apply for work visas in Australia. The students are allowed to stay up to four years on temporary visas and then apply for permanent citizenship. The Migration Council estimates this will add 1.6 trillion to the country’s gross domestic product through 2050. Opponents argue that skilled immigrants decrease middle class wages and job tenure.
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Federal Electorate:
Increase. Do know how many darkies you can house in a 20 ft x 20 foot tin shed? A bloody lot! And you can charge them more than their wages for board. This also helps keep wages low.
Decrease, the system is being totally abused. Require fluent English, recognised trades and experience from G7 countries only
Increase, but also increase government investment in training citizens for the jobs where domestic labour supply is insufficient.
Actively manage the number of temporary work visas issued according to whether or not there are genuine shortages.
Increase as long as qualification and education standards are l, at minimum, to what is provided here and that they have the same values as Australians.
Alter but maintain the same numbers. Many work visas are not for critical areas or in occupations with shortages.
Neither increase nor decrease, however companies should aim to train/hire skilled workers who are already in the country
Education and training for citizens should be increased and skilled visas decreased as our own skills shortage is resolved. Imported labour is too susceptible to exploitation.
Increase, but there should be legislation to stop companies from taking advantage of this program to decrease wages
Increase, but supply citizens with the resources and education to fill these roles
Increase, but not at the expense of Australian workers
Should provide equal pay for all workers and bring overseas workers where there is a shortage
Increase, but have tighter regulations on companies claiming skills lack and increase training availability for those areas.
Increase, if genuine pathways to permanency are provided and practices to avoid exploitation implemented.
I support import of high-skilled immigrant workers. If they are PRs and Australian citizens, they must receive the same benefits and have the same fair opportunities to be hired.
Increase but don’t allow them to be paid smaller wages.
While the current amount is fine, the govt should provide more support for free education and training as an incentive
Increase but with higher regulation to ensure companies do not take advantage of the program to decrease wages
Remain the same, but pay the workers the same as an Australian would get.
This should depend upon need.
we have massive unemployment in this country. train our unemployed in areas where skilled workers are required
More should be done to protect immigrant workers, and up skill existing Australian citizens.
Increase, but ensure that all immigrant workers rights are upheld and they have fair working conditions and pay.
Decrease the total amount of Temporary work visas and replace with Permanent paths to citizenship.
Increase, but increase regulation so that companies can no longer take advantage of this program to decrease wages
Promote skill advancement within the country, but if we are lacking, then accept foreign high-skilled workers SHOUKD be done on a needs basis
Yes, but it should be done on a needs basis
Promote skill advancement within the country, but if we are lacking, then accept foreign high-skilled workers
Increase, but but only allow those of European heritage.
I am satisfied with the current amount, but regulate to make sure businesses aren’t exploiting or underpaying foreign workers
Yes, but not at the expense of Australian workers
Increase, our economy relies on businesses hiring skilled workers in certain industries like health care for the elderly and field hands in primary industry, and many of these positions are not being filled by people from the current community.
Immigrant workers are also more mobile than local workers and open up foreign markets (like meatworkers)
Temporary work visas are the outworking of three failures: 1. The failure of long term training of Australian workers. 2. The government being seduced by the corporate sector to produce a short term solution to a long term problem, (where employers have shown a propensity to exploit foreign workers), and, 3. A failure of Government Social Welfare, where the unemployed are given too much freedom to discriminate in work they reject because they can balance any shortfall with an increase in government benefits.
Should increase depending upon need but should make it an incentive to fill higher needed jobs
I am satisfied with the current amount, however more should be done to make sure the workers are here for the right reasons.
the current amount is fine but we should also provide education and resources to prepare citizens for these jobs
Only for skills shortages
Increase, we should provide opportunities for skilled workers who wish to enter the country
@8YP2T5TLiberal Democrat3yrs3Y
Immigrants should be able to pay their way and not access public funds
No, unless companies can absolutely PROVE they could not find local citizens to take the positions after making a serious effort to recruit locals first - instead of pretending that no locals applied so they had no choice but to import immigrants at a much lower wage with an aversion to complaining about wage and safety conditions for fear of being sent home.
Increase, but not to the detriment of other classes of immigration.
This depends on the economy. If the economy is growing, sure. Recession, no
Open Australia. Abolish temporary work visas or any visas. Let people immigrate without visas
The same amount as now, but more should be done to look in to each person to make sure they are here for the right reasons.
No aid help Australians first housing jobs
We have a level of global responsibility and should choose accordingly.
Ensure that all Australians have been considered before outsourcing from other countries
Should be proportionate to need for same as oppose to negating the existing skills
Increase, though businesses need to prove they've tried to source local employees first.
These visas are a joke. People apply for visa with the approved trade or job, then quit and do something they like once PR is approved
Add them as needed - however the wages paid to those with visas should be the same, not exploiting cheap labour
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