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100 Replies

 @B2ZHWGDanswered…7 days7D

Yes, but cuts to essential public services such as healthcare, welfare and public transport should be a last resort.


Yes, but ensure cuts in spending are done holistically and if it is not to the disadvantage of the service being cut.


No, crack down on tax evasion, and increase taxes on the wealthy, and medium and large corporations instead


Reduce foreign aid spending. Focus on gettting Australia back on track first before we end up being another 3rd world country.


No, reduce military spend, focus on ending tax evasion from the top 10%, increase the tax on wealthy individuals and corporations



No, and do the following
- decrease benefits and salaries of upper echelon of politicians
- reduce military spending
- increase taxes to the wealthy
- increase taxes on large multinationals corporations
- focus on ending tax evasion in the wealthy. Ending tax evasions in lower income earners will be a drain on resources and not a good roi

 @9ZNMKQBNew Liberalanswered…3mos3MO

Public spending is key to the economy and focus should instead be placed on ending tax evasion and cutting down on any and all means of financial loopholes.


No, defund military and fund diplomacy and foreign aid; focus on ending tax evasion; increases taxes on wealthy and large multinational corporations; and end the tax-free status of the mining industry/stop wasting money on new mines


Yes, by reducing benefits for high level government officials, lowering military spending if there is no threat to the country. Through a tax reform system of lowering the income tax, instating a progressive LVT and removing all existing tax loopholes for large corporations.


The Government wastes so much money they should look at all areas of waste and cut that out not just make decisions that are popular


Yes, but don't defund the Ministry of Defence or Emergency Services, and also raise taxes



No, but ban pork barreling and force corporations to pay back the money they took from job keeper.


Yes by reducing the benefits and pensions of politicians, higher tax on large corporations and high income earners


Pretty much all of the "No, ...etc" answers. Reduce military, tax the rich and corpros and all of that


No, focus on reducing military spending, increasing taxes on the wealthy, and ending tax evasion


Yes, as long as the country is not cutting corners of safety procedures and building stabilities


No, instead drop ex gov workers per sions to that of the normal pension rate


Yes increase public spending, but change spending habits to conform to local government areas needs


Reduce spending on activities that don’t have wealth generating potential/ impacts



No, tax the wealthy and multinational businesses. Focus on tax evasion and misuse of government money in parliament and Centrelink. Schools, health systems and environment/preserving nature and out land should be the focus


I think Australians should be able to to have more of say when it comes to spending our money...Maybe a certain budget bracket eg 500 million needs to be voted on. Because already there is alot of rubbish our money is going on eg: advertising


Yes as well as cutting the salaries and benefits of government officials.


Audit public spending. Find and reduce excess spending. Reduce politicians pension/bonuses and spending


I agree with a mix of the above answers including reducing military spending and increasing taxes on large corporations and the wealthy


No, increase tax on large multinational corporations and the super wealthy ($1m+ annual salary)


Should remove overseas corporate tax havens that allow companies trading in Australia to avoid standard Australian tax rates


Benefits/salaries to government officials cut, increase taxes on wealthy and large corporations


Only from the elderly. Baby boomers are a bloated tick sucking this country dry.


No, increase taxes on large multinational corporations and the wealthy, and focus on ending tax evasion


No, we should end tax evasion, increase taxes on multinational corporations and the wealthy


A combination of a farer tax system for the poor and supporting government businesses to drive profitable investments to pay off debt


Yes, but make it so that politicians are paid an average government wage or are paid according to the output of their election promises and international commitments


Perhaps we needed to strike a much greater balance between the economy and public health. I do not know the numbers of direct Covid deaths but I feel that if we looked at that and the amount of debt we have now incurred we might think it was an overreaction. Certainly reducing our military spending if we have to start somewhere.


From what I have seen & heard, the rich normally having a business/s can reduce their taxable income
with deductions which are truly personal use. Example, taken family members to dinner & claim as an expense. Use a 4wd company car for the purpose of holidays. All expense deductible


Spend wisely. Budget. Add growth with cuts or savings.. huh? Haha, dopes.


No, reduce tax loop holes for large businesses, reduce government benefits and salaries (politicians primarily) and reassess spending


it is inevitable that our nation will continuously be in a cycle of debt according to the pitchford thesis. thus no we should not make cuts to public spending


Give less money to people on the doll and give them cards which only allow them to spend money on fuel food and bills


No, but by drastically reduce the benefits and salaries of government officials




Yes, but look at cost savings in activities that can be preformed by existupublic servants instead on contracting out


I'm a qualified economist and expenditure isn't important, output per dollar of expenditure is


all the available “no” options, the money should be for the people, not for arseholes in suits to spend on travelling and tanks


Combination of no they should go after tax evasion including multinational corporations, reducing and or stopping giving government workers like the ministers pay raises and reevaluate where the spending is going


No, focus on tax evasion, reduce government officials, reduce military spending and tax the wealthy and large corporations more.


inflation should be the measure to cut public spending rather than debt


Yes, but make small contributions to paying off the national debt each year.


Increase the tax on the rich, focus on ending tax evasion, decreasing politicians salary and taxing large corporations more


No, increase taxes on large multinationals as well as reduce pay for government officials/politicians and reduce military spending.


Prioritise and create efficacies of existing Siena’s rather can reduce it

 @8XS3YXSDemocratic Labouranswered…3yrs3Y

Yes, as long as it isn't detrimental for the country and is used for something important.


This isn’t such a straightforward question. We need to stop throwing money at anything that doesn’t benefit the country and start focusing the national budget on ways to improve our citizens’ quality of life.




Yes and No, it’s about balance and appropriate funding to the right sectors.


There are far too many government employees when comparing roles in the private sector, based on experience 3 to 1. But it is also difficult to terminate an unsuitable employee in the public sector. They can be paid a salary to sit in the staffroom reading the paper until they find another job. It’s an unproductive system and does not encourage staff to think differently and come up with improved solutions.



No, but increase taxes so Australia can afford to support these people.


By both reducing benefits to governments officials that may perceive wage disparity and by taxing the wealthy and multinational corporations


Yes, in terms of future increases, force government programs to reduce wastage, like private sector has to.


No, cuts to public spending will negatively affect the economy, focus on ending tax evasion and increase taxes on large multinational corporations


No, but they could possibly focus on more specific people instead of the whole nation as a whole. This would mean that the people that actually need it are still getting it and the nation debt decreases.


The debt is irrelevant to the thrust of the question on public spending on services


No, become a cashless nation so everyone pays tax. No more cash jobs that avoid gst.


Reduce the benefits & salaries of government officials, focus on ending tax evasion, increase taxes on the wealthy, increase taxes on large multinational corporations


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