Since 2007, anyone applying for Australian citizenship has had to take a test on their new country's history, politics, and values. The 45 minutes test is only given in English and contains 20 multiple choice questions which are drawn randomly from a pool of 200 confidential questions. The material is drawn from the official guide "Our common bond" published by the Australian Government department of Immigration and Citizenship.
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surely you mean ''aspiring citizens''
Yes, but allow the test to be taken in other common languages.
Yes but only basic and to understand how our government works, as well as education on aboriginal history as it’s their land. Only test so that they understand our systems to benefit them so they can shift into a new culture with less issue
Yes, but the test should only be about our government. Either way, most citizens wouldn’t even be able to pass the government section, therefore people should be taught the government system in schools to provide fairness, otherwise it seems discriminatory to expect an immigrant to know something a citizen doesn’t. The government system shouldn’t only be taught when someone takes up the subjects of Australian politics and Legal studies in VCE, it should be taught to everyone.
Yes, and it should be more substantial in its understanding, but we should provide the study resources for free.
No, but they should be educated for a decided period and tested, common knowledge, intent, basic English
The questions should be appropriate to modern day Australia regarding basic laws and norms. History is irrelevant. Respecting current laws is the only obligation immigrants have.
Yes, and it should include Indigenous Australian history, as well as testing more than just a basic level of understanding.
No, people only need to speak a countries language.
Yes after explaining the basic information on Australia, then giving a test on basic and simple topis similar to what was explained.
@9L3X33YOne Nation12mos12MO
Yes, with annual tests increasing in difficulty (inc English language exams) for the first 5 years of becoming a citizen.
Yes, but only very basic and simple topics with provided translation
Yes but more on laws and understanding of road rules and what a 5th grader would know
Yes, all Australian’s should sit a similar test as part of enrolling to vote.
Yes, but this is based on expectations of society not arbitrary questions
No, but pass a test proving they will Australian standards of behavior and moral/ethical concerns
They should do a values test not an Australiana test.
No testing but lessons on Australian ways and values. To be tolerant of other religions. If to religious don’t allow in country
If they want citizenship yes
Demonstrate an understanding of western civilization or aspire to western practices. I.e. hygienic practice, civil responsibilities, etc.
Depends if the country they come from requires immigrants to do the same.
They should have to do a course with introduction to Aussie culture and history, but not be tested on their knowledge.
Yes but I believe the test needs to be changed dramatically. Focus less on colonial history (etc) and follow more with social/day to day questions and math understanding, etc
@92DKHTJLiberal Democrat3yrs3Y
Yes, but it should only cover very basic and simple topics & Yes, and it should test more than just a basic level of understanding
They should be provided with some basic education about the country (voting, rights, governmental structure) and a test should only be to determine it that education is successful.
Should have English and communication skills. History does not matter
Yes, but the test should only cover our language.
Yes and the test should be updated regularly to maintain relevance
Yes, but offered a chance to learn about the Australian culture and way of life. Australian political history has no need for the test
@8ZRG2TDOne Nation3yrs3Y
Yes but we need to adjust the test to include basic values and cultural expectations rather than history that most Australians dont even know
Yes, but most citizens wouldn’t even pass a test
Yes, and make all citizens do this test as well.
no, but should be made aware of Aboriginal and Torres strait islander culture and history
Language, law and order, education, human and equal rights etc. They shouldn't have to study beyond a basic multiple choice our nations foundation of modern society test that is no doubt prejudiced and glosses over our first nation peoples experiences
Yes, but the test needs to be updated and be relevant to current social and political issues. The questions asked in the current test most Australian born and raised residents would not be able to answer due to the lack of relevancy.
Yes, but it should only cover very basic and simple topics, because to be fair, most citizens wouldn't be able to pass a citizenship test themselves.
yes only if they intend to become citizens
It is good to know about the country you live in
Yes but on the fundamentals of federalism and an understanding of personal freedoms
Yes, but the Government should provide the education needed to pass these tests.
Yes. But never reverts back to what it was during the white policy days. However, if new migrants are not educated on our values, laws and responsibilities.Plus have a good understanding of our political system then their value as citizens maybe diminished.
no, but they should be given the opportunity to learn these things after being let into Australia
Cultural factors should be taught as well as aboriginal history
Yes, but allow for tutoring
Depends if this happens in other countries as well. Do most countries require a test for immigrants to complete to become a citizen?
It should only test language and basic rules and regulations
No, most citizens couldn’t even pass a citizenship test and they have for a reason do you really think they have time?
no as they shouldnt have been here
Yes, but they should be provided with the information they need to learn ahead of time
Yes but only for language and they must be provided with free language classes leading up to the test
Only if they plan to become citizens
Only if they’re becoming a citizen
Yes, but only to gain access to treasured roles in society like lawmaking, voting in elections or politics. Permanent residency should not be affected for those without the capacity/literacy to pass such a test.
@8MDG9SVOne Nation4yrs4Y
Yes, but only covering language, government laws and regulations
Yes, and ensure citizens can also pass the test
should be educated on it to help them succeed in australia, but not need to pass a test
It could be a good idea but it should be available in the language the immigrants are able to speak and follow basic topics that Australians generally know. It should also be after a minimum residence period or allow the immigrants to be able to understand the culture through 'study' or debriefing beforehand.
Yes, but it should be given only after the applicants participate in free lessons and after the applicant has been living in our country for a while. The test should only cover very basic and simple topics, which should be focused on if the applicant knows how to obtain help (if required) and basics like "how to vote", "how to get a drivers licence", "how to see a doctor"
@97Z39VHOne Nation2yrs2Y
Yes, but training must be provided
Immigration should be greatly reduced to a maximum of 10,000 per year. A few years with no immigration at all would be of great benefit. The process of acceptance should attempt to identify those most compatible with being Australian. Candidates should want to integrate in our society and accept our culture. Of course they should be highly fluent in English. With half decent government policy there are billions of dollars to be saved here.
Yes, and children born within Australia should also
yes, and include information about first nations experiences and history
No, ban immigration permanently.
Yes for any visa greater than a temporary protection visa
No, but they should pass a 'values' test
it should be offered in their language of origin as well if they haven't learned good English, rather than a token effort of 45 min with 20 questions it should go into more detail about culture, law, etc.
Yes to see alignment with the core values of the country, but not detailed history and government, as let's be honest a lot of Australians born in this country could not accurately explain the country's history beyond involvement in WWI, WWII and a few PMs. All new immigrants should go through a civics and citizenship course where they are taught about the government and laws and citizens' rights etc.
Citizens should pass it to
They should be tested on understanding of laws and who the traditional owners of this land are
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