Should Australia maintain a presence at the United Nations?
The UN. is an organization of governments founded in 1945 after World War II. The organization's objectives include promoting peace and security, protecting human rights and the environment and providing humanitarian aid in cases of famine, natural disaster, and armed conflict. Recent U.N. interventions include the Sri Lankan civil war in 2009 and the 2010 earthquake in Haiti. Australia joined the U.N. in 1945 as a founding member nation. Australia is the twelfth largest financial contributor to the UN and contributes $30 million annually.
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Yes, however, the United Nations is a useless organization and does not uphold any international laws.
Yes, but demand greater proactiveness from other UN members to do what the organization was made for.
Yes, but we must be more outspoken about humanitarian crises occuring, and be more committed to fixing our domestic humanitarian issues
@9ZNMKQBNew Liberal4mos4MO
Yes, we should remain involved in the U.N and with a relatively strong stance, yet not without first taking care of our interests and needs that do not unnecessarily rob us of resources.
@9ZJWQMBOne Nation4mos4MO
What a stupid question. With the inevitability of world war three approaching you want Australia to seperate where it no longer has the support of other nations in the aspect of military defence? You want Australia to solely defend themselves against someone like Russia? Whoever made these questions should no longer have a job.
No, instead inject the money that we spend in our own and surrounding country environment, health and human rights, animal rights etc.
Yes and ask for reforms, such as electing a new security council.
The U.N is corrput, Australia shouldn't hold a presence in something that's burning their economy.
yes but actually do something for our future instead of screwing around with commitments in 2050 and dial it to 2030
Yes, and push for Taiwan to be recognised
Currently un stand need to be confronted
I don’t care for this question.
Yes, and remove the U.N. headquarters from the US
Yes, but make sure that there is no favouritism going on, and that we are truly fair in our dealings, even if against a more powerful nation
It depends on the representative. We are a laughing stock right now.
No! Instead should spend $30million every year to Australia!
No cause UN are corrupted
I do not understand the relevance of the UN in our current world. The League of Nations was unsuccessful and it seems to me that the United Nations idea has been the same. Perhaps some kind of reform, maybe third times a charm. (Optimism not sarcasm there)
Yes, but suggest a reformation for the UN as it is very unfair and westernised.
remove ourselves from the UN and put the money into international aid
Have to look into this more
Yes and listen to them about our human rights violations
No, and abolish the United Nations.
Yes as it will be good to protect our interests with the peace keeping forces and form good connections with other countries within the U.N. But reduce our finance contribution by a few billion.
Australia can go and participate in summits, but don’t be a Trump.
Yes, but demand a bigger voice at the table. We are a founding member and contribute a lot so we should be taken seriously.
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