Try the political quiz

Participatory Democracy platform and policies

These issues below are sorted in descending order based on how important the average Australian voter ranked them on the quiz.


Social  ›  LGBT Adoption Rights

Should gay couples have the same adoption rights as straight couples?

PD>PD  ChatGPTYes, as long as they pass the same background checks as straight couples

Social  ›  Gay Marriage

Do you support the legalisation of same sex marriage?


the Economy  ›  Equal Pay

Should employers be required to pay men and women the same salary for the same job?

PD>PD  ChatGPTYes, and businesses should be required to publish their salary ranges for each position

Healthcare  ›  Mental Health

Should the government increase funding for mental health research and treatment?

PD>PD  ChatGPTYes, our mental healthcare system needs more funding to provide a higher quality of care and services

Healthcare  ›  Drug Price Regulation

Should the government regulate the prices of life-saving drugs?

PD>PD  ChatGPTYes, and we should socialise medicine and healthcare

How similar are your political beliefs to Participatory Democracy issues? Take the political quiz to find out.

Science  ›  Mandatory Vaccinations

Should the government require children to be vaccinated for preventable diseases?

PD>PD  ChatGPTNo, fund public ad campaigns about the risks and benefits instead

Social  ›  Euthanasia

Should terminally ill patients be allowed to end their lives via assisted suicide?

PD>PD  ChatGPTYes, but only after a psychological examination to show they fully understand this choice

Social  ›  Death Penalty

Should the death penalty be reinstated?

PD>PD  ChatGPTYes, but the victim’s family should decide the punishment

the Economy  ›  Taxes

Should the government raise taxes on the rich?


the Economy  ›  Minimum Wage

Should the government raise the federal minimum wage?

PD>PD  ChatGPTYes, and adjust it every year according to inflation

Foreign Policy  ›  Mandatory Military Service

Should every 18 year old citizen be required to provide at least one year of military service?

PD>PD  ChatGPTNo, service should be a choice instead of an obligation

Social  ›  Gender Workplace Diversity

Should businesses be required to have women on their board of directors?

PD>PD  ChatGPTYes, and the government should do more to require diversity in the workplace

Social  ›  Transgender Athletes

Should transgender athletes be allowed to compete against athletes that differ from their assigned sex at birth?

PD>PD  ChatGPTYes, but only if their hormone levels are equivalent to those in the gender category in which they compete

Crime  ›  Private Prisons

Should the government hire private companies to run prisons?

PD>PD  ChatGPTNo, private prisons will sacrifice quality of care and rehabilitation services for profit

Immigration  ›  Citizenship Test

Should immigrants be required to pass a citizenship test to demonstrate a basic understanding of our country’s language, history, and government?


Immigration  ›  Deporting Criminal Immigrants

Should immigrants be deported if they commit a serious crime?

PD>PD  ChatGPTYes, but after they have finished serving their sentence

Foreign Policy  ›  Foreign Elections

Should the government attempt to influence foreign elections?

PD>PD  ChatGPTYes, but only to protect the country from human rights violations by a tyrannical ruler

Healthcare  ›  Single-Payer Healthcare

Do you support a single-payer healthcare system?

PD>PD  ChatGPTYes, this system guarantees healthcare for everyone

Foreign Policy  ›  United Nations

Should Australia maintain a presence at the United Nations?


Immigration  ›  Muslim Immigrant Ban

Should Muslim immigrants be banned from entering the country until the government improves its ability to screen out potential terrorists?

PD>PD  ChatGPTNo, banning immigrants based on their religion is unconstitutional

Crime  ›  Drug Trafficking Penalties

Should drug traffickers receive the death penalty?

PD>PD  ChatGPTNo, sentence them to life in prison without parole instead

Domestic Policy  ›  Drug Policy

Are you in favour of decriminalising drug use?

PD>PD  ChatGPTYes, and retroactively reduce sentences for those already serving time

Social  ›  Women in Combat

Should the military allow women to serve in combat roles?

PD>PD  ChatGPTYes, preventing women from serving in combat roles is discriminatory

the Economy  ›  Universal Basic Income

Do you support a universal basic income program?

PD>PD  ChatGPTYes, everyone should receive an income to cover basic necessities including food and housing

the Economy  ›  Welfare

Should there be fewer or more restrictions on current welfare benefits?

PD>PD  ChatGPTFewer, and ensure benefits go to those that need it most

the Economy  ›  Corporate Tax

Should Australia raise or lower the tax rate for corporations?

PD>PD  ChatGPTKeep current rates but eliminate deductions and loop holes

Healthcare  ›  Marijuana

Do you support the legalisation of Marijuana?

PD>PD  ChatGPTYes, and legalise, tax, and regulate marijuana instead of criminalizing it

Elections  ›  Campaign Finance

Should corporations, unions, and non-profit organizations be allowed to donate to political parties?

PD>PD  ChatGPTNo, and political campaigns should be publicly funded

Immigration  ›  Immigrant Assimilation

Should immigrants be required to learn English?

PD>PD  ChatGPTNo, we should embrace the diversity that immigrants add to our country

Immigration  ›  Skilled Immigrants

Should Australia increase or decrease the amount of temporary work visas given to high-skilled immigrant workers?

PD>PD  ChatGPTDecrease, and the government should provide more incentives to prepare our citizens for these jobs

Elections  ›  Minimum Voting Age

Should the minimum voting age be lowered?

PD>PD  ChatGPTYes, any citizen that pays taxes should be allowed to vote

the Economy  ›  Government Spending

Should the government make cuts to public spending in order to reduce the national debt?


Elections  ›  Right of Foreigners to Vote

Should foreigners, currently residing in Australia, have the right to vote?

PD>PD  ChatGPTYes, anyone who pays taxes should have the right to vote

Domestic Policy  ›  Flag Burning

Should it be illegal to burn the Australian flag?

PD>PD  ChatGPTNo, this is a violation of free speech

Domestic Policy  ›  Term Limits

Should there be term limits set for members of Parliament?

PD>PD  ChatGPTYes, term limits will increase performance and prevent corruption

Foreign Policy  ›  Military Spending

Should Australia increase or decrease military spending?

PD>PD  ChatGPTDecrease

Crime  ›  Prison Overcrowding

Should non-violent prisoners be released from jail in order to reduce overcrowding?

PD>PD  ChatGPTYes, but they must perform community service on a daily basis