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No, and voter should be required to pass a basic test demenstrating their understanding of politics in order to vote. However, there should be free public accessibility to information, and it should not be biased, but instead made so that people who are competent of the outcomes of their elections can vote.


No, it should be raised to 25 and voters should be required to pass a basic test demonstrating their understanding of politics in order to vote


Anyone should be able to vote of they wish, but voting shouldn't be compulsory, or should be via topics not parties.


Yes, it should be optional to vote for 16- and 17-year-olds, and those younger who have a job should be able to apply to vote

 @B3HTRSZJacquie Lambie Networkanswered…4 days4D

No, and voters should be required to pass a basic test demonstrating their understanding of politics in order to vote

And increasing the drinking age to 21

 @B3GLV3Banswered…5 days5D

Yes, maybe lowering the age to 16 years of age, and only if there is education in schools about how to make an informed vote.

 @B3F5TT3answered…6 days6D

yes but they should be educating people more around voting and what the parties stand for, how to vote appropriately and how to understand alignments.


Yes, allow those who are at least 16 but make it optional for those aged 16-17 to vote, and they must pass a political understanding test if they are within that bracket and wish to enroll early.


any person that pays taxes should be able to vote - but if they are under the age of 18 it is optional


No, there shouldn't be voting or democracy in the first place and the monarchy should have all of the power or direct it to the Governor general


Yes, allow people between the ages 16 and 17 to optionally vote, and let those younger with a job to apply to vote


Young adults actively contributing to society, engaged in the workforce, and paying taxes should have the option of voting, if they choose to do so.


Make it optional to vote and voters that do want to vote should pass a basic test demonstrating politic knowledge


I think sometimes the kids know more about politics than some adults however how young are we talking?


vote when 20 or 21 because 18 you are technically an adult but your brain is still in that child mindset and 21 or 20 is more mature.

 @B2ZQVYP answered…3wks3W

Yes, but with increased compulsory education into politics, unbiased from the current political party/murdoch media, throughout schooling


Yes, but also provide easy access to information about the politicians they're voting for, and the politicians' past voting histories.


There should be an age cap. If you’re going to die in 5 years you shouldn’t get a say in what happens to those who are actually living in the system.


Yes, it should be lowered to 16, and education about our political and economic systems, and common political tactics should be further prioritised in schools


yes, as well as introduce a basic pre voting test for ALL voters that demonstrates they have an understanding of politics in order to vote


Yes but those under 18 should undergo a basic test to prove their understanding of politics in order to vote


No, but education should be provided in schools to ensure their understanding of politics and the key issues/topics at the time.

 @B27XB5T answered…2mos2MO

Yes, but only by choice for under 18’s. I think 16 is appropriate with appropriate measures to ensure no parental coercement. Maybe they should have to vote via a quiz to ensure they’re voting for personal expression.

 @9W7HT6S answered…5mos5MO

Yes, provided they are educated about the Australian political system, in order to make an informed decision about what affects them.


Yes but non bias teaching needs to be done in schools so people are learning about what voting/politics are.


The vote age requirement should be lowered to 16 but it should only become mandatory at 21, some teenagers will want to vote as descions now effect them in the future but others couldn't care less. Votes will need to be found mature and not just tammpering with the system.


I believe that the age To vote should not be lowered. Students at 16 shouldn't be burdened with such significant decisions and should instead focus on their education and future. Especially going In two year 11 and 12 which is already a very stressful time.


I think we should focus of education of how our political system works before we start lowering voting ages


Yes, make voting optional for 16 and 17 year olds, and those younger than 16 years old with a job can apply to vote


It shouldn't be compulsary for anyone under the age of 18. but it could be optional from the age of 16


Yes, lower it to 16 but voters under the age of 18 should be required to pass a basic test demonstrating their understanding of the Australian voting system and the Australian political system in order to vote


People who contribute to society should be able to register to vote, provided that they are over 16.


Under 18's should be able to vote for a representative for children under 18, a person who advocates for children and school issues, ect


Yes, it should be optional for 16- and 17-year-olds to vote, 13- and 15-year-olds with a job should be able to apply to vote

 @9VCP946One Nationanswered…5mos5MO

Yes it should be lowered to 16 but the voter has to pass a understanding of the Australian political system test to vote before 18


Yes, it should be optional to vote from 16-17 years old and those younger with a job should be able to apply to vote


Any citizen that pays taxes should be allowed to vote but voters should be required to pass a basic test demonstrating their understanding of politics in order to vote


Yes, voting should be optional from 16 years old until 18 years old, and 14 and 15 year olds with a job should be able to apply to vote


No, because anyone younger than 18 will not know enough information about the parties to conduct a vote.


Yes because it is children's futures that people over 18 are voting for so people 15 and over should be able to vote so they can vote for their futures.


Yes, but people should have to pass a basic test demonstrating their understanding of politics in order to vote.


Yes, given that they pass a basic test demonstrating their understanding of politics in order to vote


Yes, it should be lowered to 16, but voters should be required to pass a basic test demonstrating their understanding of politics and civics in order to vote.

 @9K8TZN2New Liberalanswered…1yr1Y

LOCAL COUNCIL (& STATE) lowered to 16 years FEDERAL remain at 18 or date of enrollment, having enrolled in Uni All lowered to 16 for all Apprenticeship / Cadetships


18, should be the mandatory voting age, however 16 year olds that are able to drive, pay taxes, and work trade jobs should have the option to vote.


Ages 16 to 17 should be eligible to vote, but it be optional. It then becomes compulsory at 18 to vote. There should also be an upper age cap.


I think we should have a basic informative presentation or a test and anyone who pays taxes can vote so under 18’s shouldn’t pay taxes.

 @9J8M5K9Green answered…1yr1Y

Yes, for those willing. It should be opened to 16+ as an optional system, then become mandatory at 18.

 @935CG4PLiberal Democrat answered…1yr1Y

Any citizen from the age of 14 should be allowed to vote, but voting should not be mandatory for people under the age of 16


No, and I think that people should be encouraged to watch a short video on the basics of politics, and voting, before they vote themselves.


I believe it should be raised to 25 to allow the frontal cortex to develop and make rational and well - informed decisions. While I believe a voter shouldn't have to pass a test to gain eligibility to vote - we need more political awarness in schools. People should understand how to vote, understand their own values and be encouraged to critise and analyse political figure and separate what politicians say they'll do and what they actually do. Research their background and what company is supporting them. Voting needs to be taken more seriously than it is now.


 @9FCVNM8One Nationanswered…1yr1Y

People who want to vote can vote because then there will be less donkey votes making it more fair


any one under the age of 18 should be able to vote if i want it should not be mandatory


Not all citizens aged 16-18 have to vote however if they want to they should have to take a test to see if they are responsible enough.


Yes, but only to 16 and make it optional until 18 where it becomes mandatory.


Not unless the government puts better resources in place to educate the younger people on voting.


Yes, between the ages of 16 to 18 optional voting, from 18+ remains mandatory


Yes but only men should be able to vote women's brains do not function properly and monkey-like.


Yes, however, it should be an opt-in system, so those who are more politically engaged can have their say, but those who wish not to do so will not need to


No and those registering to vote should pass a basic test demonstrating their understanding of politics.


Teenagers working age are paying tax and when getting drivers licence should be allowed to vote yes lower the age


Yes, to 16yo if the voter can pass a test demonstrating their understanding of Australian politics and what they're voting for



Lowered voting age, but optional with trade-offs (such as no longer being considered a child in court cases if you want the early voting right)


People should complete a questionnaire similar to this instead of voting for candidates or parties. People are biased by what they perceive parties stand for not on actual policies.


Any citizen who pays tax should have the right, but all voters should be required to pass a test.


It should be a legal requirement to vote, leave it to the people that care


Yes, if these younger voters pass a basic test demonstrating their understanding of politics in order to vote

 @92YQKZQSocialist Allianceanswered…3yrs3Y



It should be a compulsory part of your highschool curriculum, the you study this is the year you can begin voting


Youth should be provided with better, unbiased education about politics and complete test on their own personal values then be able to vote


Yes anyone who is old enough to drive, and procreate should be allowed to vote, some of these young ones are more awake to the world than I ever was at that age they should be allowed to have a say in their future. Also think there should be much more funding for education around politics and voting.


No it should be raised to 21 and education around politics should be introduced into schools


Yes, but general, unbiased knowledge in politics should be taught in schools so that people of voting age have an understanding of who and what they are voting for.


If they are under 18 they should have a choice but have to prove they understand what they are voting for


No but i believe once you reach a certain age where laws wont affect you in the future for example 80 years old, mandatory voting should be ceased for that age group. This is important for me as it is my future and my childrens future who will be affected.


I think people should be able to vote if they wish to and are interested enough. Compulsory voting is not necessary and forces people to make choices they are not qualified or interested enough to make.



If you have left school and working and paying tax you should be allowed to vote on how your taxes will be spent by the government


I think it they can lower the minimum voting age but not make it mandatory, only for those who feel the need to vote


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