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 @B34KL4N answered…5hrs5H

is it legal to vape

 @B34KD8P answered…6hrs6H

No, alternative forms of transport should be prioritised

 @B34HYXM answered…7hrs7H

Yes, accept asylum-seeking boat immigrants, but process them offshore first with hard, thorough security checks.

 @B34HX87from Arizona  answered…7hrs7H

No, but increase oversight to ensure there is no gender discrimination on selecting the most qualified individual.

 @B34HX87from Arizona  answered…7hrs7H

Self driving should be allowed when determined safe to do so.

 @B34HSQR answered…7hrs7H

whats a democrat

 @B34267S commented…9hrs9H

War in Russia and Ukraine

 @B34GM7Z answered…10hrs10H

Increase for any overseas corporations and leave as is but indexed for fully Australian owned corporations

 @B34GHTK answered…10hrs10H

I belelive that the King should still be our representative but that we should not have to answer to him.

 @B34FXM4 answered…11hrs11H

no because this just leads to government tracking.

 @B34FXM4 answered…11hrs11H

no because there should not be autonomous vehicles in the first place.