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 @4ZVRSJMLiberalfrom Victoria answered…3yrs3Y

Not ready still immature population to deal with an Republic,besides all states should be dissolved, as well as all amateur councils .Creation of one national government with say 50 regional councils run by professionals rather than pathetic states having petty fights and crummy councils out of control.
In fact Councils do not exist under the Constitution.

 @582LC97Laborfrom New South Wales answered…3yrs3Y

Not until a generally accepted model is produced to make sure we do not leave open the possibility of a Trump type anomaly

 @4W35W4NGreenfrom Victoria answered…3yrs3Y

 @4W36N2Dfrom New South Wales answered…3yrs3Y

 @4VFYXJ6Nationalsfrom South Australia answered…3yrs3Y

 @4ZRTXPTfrom Western Australia answered…3yrs3Y

Yes, the days of empire are over, treat the commonwealth countries as equal trading partners, we don't need a Ruler.

 @4Z92XDKGreenfrom Queensland answered…3yrs3Y

It should be considered in the best interest of Australia after the UK's exit from the European Union, however no firm decision should be made until we are sure if there will be any negative effects on Australia either way.

 @9C4C7NNfrom North Carolina answered…11mos11MO

No, but abolish the current royal family and establish a brand new royal dynasty based around constitutional monarchy with autocratic powers.



 @9KMLLC8from Guam answered…1mo1MO

Maybe, if the changes are only to the title of the head of state, and the powers of the head of state remain the same


I think self-determination is important, however regional instability makes me think at the moment being part of the monarchy is a little safer in terms of deterring bad actors from aggression against Australia.


It is a part of our history and we should grow with it. I’m not even sure if our connections with the monarchy effects us(Australians) in our daily lives


I think at this point in time it does not affect Australia enough to use the money it would take to complete the process of becoming a republic.


On the fence, it's both beneficial to us as a country yet important if Australia were to become independent.


Yes, but this should be done through a phased voting process. Vote for the type of Republic model and then a vote to the people with said model.


Australia's participation in the monarchy provides stability, constitutional safeguards, and cultural ties, serving as a unifying symbol, but opinions on these benefits vary, with ongoing debates about the nation's constitutional future.


Yes, we should be a republic however not at this point in time as it costs to much money and is currently unnessesary


Depends how the new system works (specifically as a democracy). It should wait until there’s proof that it’s effective.

 @9992HTRSocialist Alliance  from GU answered…4mos4MO

No, I am in favor of the monarchy in general, however I support taxing them more harshly, and reducing the power of the monarch to a ceremonial position.

 @9GPV99Rfrom British Columbia answered…6mos6MO

No I think we keep moving forward on more important issues like bring aboriginal culture into main stream Australian house holds and schools


No because the ties with britain may be broken if gone about the wrong way, but yes because moving forwards.


Honestly, I think that Australia should remain apart of the Commonwealth but remove the Monarchy as a figure head and replace it with a President position




An Australian monarchy should be culturally Aboriginal rather than British


Australia is already independent. It does not require removal of the monarchy to determine its own goals.

 @98LDNWJfrom Massachusetts answered…1yr1Y


Australia should become a republic and remain a commonwealth member aligned with the west


I don’t care, but nobody currently or formerly in the government should be allowed to be voted for


No, long live the monarchy and the stability it provides to our political structure.


Let the Monarchy exist in it's own country if it's what the people vote.For the most part even then it is unbending for the current day.It requires change within itself if it is to be.
I think Australia should be independent and not run by a Monarchy with religious undertones and protocol.


Would depend on how we went about it. It does work in our favour having backup


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