Try the political quiz

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 @TreatyShads commented…10hrs10H

It's fascinating to see the political tide turn in Australia; it really underscores the importance of parties addressing…


 @9QS7RSW answered…2hrs2H

Im on the left wing

 @9QS7RSW answered…2hrs2H

Yes, they should have access to programs for free food, clothing and medicine. But they need to work for the community o…

 @9QS69YW disagreed…4hrs4H

The world is increasingly going towards war, as demonstrated by the Israel-Hamas war and the Russo-Ukrainian war, and we…

 @9QS3S9L answered…7hrs7H

Yes, as long as it does not encourage irresponsible borrowing and is not unfair to those who pay their mortgages.

 @9QS3S9L answered…7hrs7H

Yes, but fund it through other ways rather than income tax alone.

 @9QS3S9L answered…7hrs7H

Yes, these should go to private companies who compete to build the best networks possible.

 @9QS3S9L answered…7hrs7H

No, but ensure strict laws and accountability remain in place.

 @9QS3S9L answered…7hrs7H

Yes, if manufacturing costs are subsidised by the government, and if the availability of diesel vehicles is not compromi…

 @9QS3S9L answered…7hrs7H

Yes, if production costs and vehicle prices are subsidised, and if it has a significant impact on overall emissions.

 @9QS3S9L answered…7hrs7H

Yes, but this should be decided after they are detained, investigated and given a fair trial once they re-enter our coun…

 @9QS3S9L answered…7hrs7H

Yes, but with strict regulation and accountability.

 @9QS3S9L answered…7hrs7H

Increase, and redirect funds towards diplomacy, humanitarian aid, disaster relief, peacekeeping operations, support to c…

 @9QS3S9L answered…7hrs7H

Yes, but there should be no racist generalisations about such people from high-risk countries in the public image.

 @9QS3S9L answered…7hrs7H

No, not until those in power can be held accountable for their actions, and transparency in their actions are encouraged…

 @9QS3S9L answered…7hrs7H

No, but create an unbiased board that inspects and regulates such transfers in order to make sure the money gets where i…

 @9QS3S9L answered…7hrs7H

No, not until corruption, lack of transparency and accountability in the government can fully be dealt with.

 @9QS3S9L answered…7hrs7H

Yes, but with strict regulation, accountability and usage of AI for more peaceful prospects.

 @9QS3S9L answered…7hrs7H

Yes, this is necessary to prevent factory farms which allow animal cruelty.

 @9QS3S9L answered…7hrs7H

Yes, but at a reasonable rate, and reverted back to the original rate once there is no clear threat of a housing bubble.

 @9QS3S9L answered…7hrs7H

Yes, for the time-being, until prices for electric vehicles become cheaper.

 @9QS3S9L answered…7hrs7H

No, instead provide incentives for large tech companies to share their algorithms with regulators.

 @9QRYQC3 answered…10hrs10H

dont want nuclear

 @Int3grityJulia commented…10hrs10H

Finally, people are seeing the light and getting tired of Labor's empty promises – it's time to get Australia back on tr…
