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I don't believe raising interest rates will be enough to prevent a housing bubble. It is more likely to make housing unaffordable to the young and low income citizens

 @B3HTBZFanswered…4 days4D

Since 1991 , it should have been 10% never changed, first home buyers 3% , owner over 2 houses 33% , and rates set at $25000 if more than 2 houses 🏘️ money too go back to pool for homeless, first home 🏡 owners must pay 50 % tax if sold in the first 15 years


We should strive towards easier access to finance for loans, and create legislation to prevent housing pricing from reaching exorbitant levels


No, the government should implement regulations that prevent real estate investors and landlords from locking ordinary Australians out of the housing market. Fix the capital gains tax


No, they should exponentially increase taxes on people with multiple investment properties and stop foreign investors from purchasing land or homes and reclaim purchased property or land.

 @9WBLVWR answered…5mos5MO

No, the government should either subsidise more competition in the sectors with large market monopolies or regulate them


The RBA should raise interest rates to control inflation and maintain their target inflation, as per their mandate.


Require more info on topic. But policies to help reduce artificial housing inflation is a positive to most Australians


Yes, but at a reasonable rate, and reverted back to the original rate once there is no clear threat of a housing bubble.


They need to find the balance between not hurting low and middle income Australians with high rates while at the same time ensuring affordable housing


No, but it depends on how much interest rates should be whether you are in cities, suburbs or rural areas based on the house or apartment.


The government should use one of the many other tools to prevent a housing bubble instead of relying on the same one over and over to minimal effect

  @JoshLP1997Australian Democratsanswered…1yr1Y

Yes, but only after a temporary rental cap, so renters aren't the ones forced to pay for the increase.


Will never be able to afford my own home either way so this question just depresses me.


No. Interest rate raises affects the working class, not investors. People should be limited to one investment property.


Interest rate raises affects the working class, not investors. People should be limited to one investment property.


Rather than raising the 'cash rate' which increases the cost of all borrowing, the RBA should have the power to levy an extra charge (like a GST) on all lending for purposes which it wants to quell. Eg if house prices are raging in a certain city, but not elsewhere, increase the cost of borrowing for existing homes only in that a city. This makes new homes relatively less expensive, encouraging supply. This approach can be extended to all manner of borrowing where you want to target a specific sector and/or region


The housing bubble may exist, but increasing interest rates is not how you'll solve the issue. The issue is housing affordability



No, there are other ways to lower house prices such as purchasing limits for buyers



rate fluctuations are designed and implemented to assist investors with large cash reserves ,it's a scam


No, but they should be raised for only those who own more than one property.


No, land and housing should only be owned by and sold to Australian citizens.


Yes, but only for those who are buying an investment property, not on people’s primary domestic dwelling


Not a political question. The reserve bank should remain independent of government interference


Your interest rate should increase exponentially with the number of houses you own


No, there should be other ways to reduce housing prices than further isolating young FHB.


The housing bubble must be fixed by actively decreasing the cost of living and housing by offering public options.



They should raise interest rates for private savings and create far more public housing and affordable, stop negative gearing or property only for investment purposes. Housing should be a human right. There should be reasonable restrictions on owning a second dwelling e.g. for children, education or work commitments, but not just as holiday accommodation and left empty for 11 months a year.


I don’t think it as simple a question to distill down to rates alone.




It's far too late now to prevent a housing bubble. They should have acted earlier and the federal govt should have removed the capital gains tax exemption on houses over a calculated and agreed amount.


This is a dumb question as the RBA is independent and will act irrelevant of the federal government's stance on interest rates


Yes, but only for the cities where this is an issue - interest rate based on postcode.


Generally speaking yes, but because of Covid and the impact this would have on people who cant work, no


No. I think the current lending will help Manage the sector. The horse has already bolted with the Chinese investments several years ago increasing the house prices. The prices now are so far out of our children’s reach. Too late guys.


Maybe, if this is included in the inflation statistic (which it currently isn’t)


Housing should be affordable for All. Low interest rates are good... but not if your mortgage lasts to the end off your paid work years or your lifetime. Houses have exceeded their true worth.


The RBA should carry on doing what it's doing indepedently based on its macroeconomic goals/targets.


 @8SK7TBWOne Nationanswered…4yrs4Y

No, I dont believe raising interest will have a huge effect. Instead I think the government should offer more subsidies and benefits for Australian citizens and raise a tax against foreign investors.


No. The Reserve Bank of Australia should never interfere with interests rates.


Yes but apply these interest rate increases only to Area's where the bubble is presenting itself this will promote investment in other areas


There are too many other factors that should be considered. Beyond my competence to decide


What does this have to do with housing? Higher interest rates means more to pay back. Why would you wanna pay more for a house? However, if it’s the bank giving you back interest then, yeah whatever.


Interest Rates should reflect econonmic health and spending and should not be used to control the property market. If property is unaffordable, then rent also rises. Shelter is a basic human right and should not be tampered with.


No, Government should instead remove negative gearing for rental properties and cap the amount of properties one can own.


Banks should raise interest rates for high income earners purchasing investment properties


No, Australians are struggling already with COVID and other employment issues




No they should lower interest rates and cap them for first home buyers and not let immigrants buy


they should lower interest rates and cap them for first home buyers and not let immigrants buy


No, the housing bubble could be prevented by reducing negative-gearing incentives, stopping or limiting foreign investment of housing and reducing other incentives for investment properties.


Home loans on your first home should be set on a low interest rate for the length of your loan like my parents in the 50-70… this allows families to budget properly.. should be a limit to cost of home and obviously not for investment or negatively geared properties.. given problems are caused more from company inc. Banks huge profits and huge tax minimisation


No, as interest rate hikes only lead to worse housing bubbles and it's already too expensive for mortgages and rent as it is


no, this will only benefit banks and will not do much but ruin small business and families. a competent government could do this in other ways


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