
Historical Results

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Historical Importance

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Other Popular Answers

Unique answers from Australia users whose views extended beyond the provided choices.

 @528VPLMfrom Queensland answered…4yrs4Y

By and large schools are useless - I would recommend the government gets rid of them

 @526HK5Ffrom Queensland answered…4yrs4Y

Some basics should remain centralised, including distribution of water, food, shelter, education and health-care. States should put forth their best plans for delivering high standards of schooling. It appears likely a better model would be central-state collaboration for both education and health. For example, it is incredulous that Australia has 9 different laws regarding abortion in the country in the 21st century!!

 @4ZMJZ4Cfrom Queensland answered…4yrs4Y

The education system needs an overhaul. We are teaching kids to confirm and live in fear just like most adults do. To not think for themselves and question everything they are being taught.


I think the material thought should be the same across the country, so no I think schools should be federal funding, as there may be perverse incentives from state funding