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8 Replies


This is just another example of the left's hypocrisy. They preach about being inclusive and respectful, yet their own leader can't even keep his foot out of his mouth. If this was someone from the right, the media would be demanding resignation, but Albanese gets a slap on the wrist and an apology tour.


Are you serious?? Your answer is what is wrong with right wing politics. Always looking to take the high moral ground when all of their policies are designed to keep the people they are supposedly outraged for in an inferior economic and social standing.


So typical of Albanese to make a cheap shot and then backtrack with a half-hearted apology when he gets called out. If this were a conservative leader, the media would be tearing them apart non-stop. It just shows the double standard and lack of accountability from the left.


The same media who are all owned by the supporters of conservative government in this country???. Sky news and every local paper in the country were tearing Albanese to shreds over this comment.


People seriously need to toughen up. Politicians have more important things to worry about than making sure every word is perfectly politically correct.


Yet another example of politicians saying whatever they want without facing real consequences, while the rest of us are expected to mind our words.


Honestly, it’s disappointing to see someone in such a high position make a joke about something so serious. People with disabilities like Tourette’s already face enough stigma, and comments like this just reinforce harmful stereotypes. I’m glad he apologized, but it feels like politicians need to do more than just say sorry when they mess up. This could be a good moment to push for more disability awareness and inclusion in politics and beyond. We need leaders who set a better example.


Albanese apologises for ‘unkind and hurtful’ Tourette’s remark

Anthony Albanese has apologised for an "unkind and hurtful" remark in which he referenced Tourette syndrome to mock the opposition.