Narrow down the conversation to these participants:
Family is having someone to love you unconditionally for who you are as a person, and to support you through all of the ups and downs of life.
Family is a sacred institution. It is these bonds that help us grow as an individual, and without family, we wouldn't be here, so we have to respect it.
Family is who you are genetically related to, as well as legally related to (e.g., adopted kids, step-parents, etc)
Family is people of your blood, or your kin and ancestors.
@9RWKH6P 8mos8MO
A family is the closest to you and does not degrade you.
@9RDKYY5One Nation8mos8MO
I believe that familialism is a great political structure for a political party.
Family is your own blood but is also others you love and care for deeply.
Your family is the people you love and trust. That does not need to mean heterosexual relationships, or even monogamous or romantic ones, and it does not need to involve children.
The definition of family is what you choose it to be, which differs per person. Family is your blood and the family you choose, including guardians or carers.
Family is where you feel most comfortable and safest. This has always been the same for me.
@9RJX86T 8mos8MO
Family for me is only immediate family and close distant family.
The point of a society is that we all try to help and care for eachother as much as possible. Isolating that to just a nuclear family unit, is a self-defeating policy as no family/person exists in isolation. We all use the same roads, schools. parks, buses, environment, water, food, and electricity.
@9QYC3XNDavid Pocock8mos8MO
"Family" refers to people you are related to by bloodline. Nothing more.
the nuclear unit - husband, wife, children. this has not evolved for me and never will.
Family is the people you spend the most time with, as well as your biological relations
Family was who I was related to when I was younger, but now it's people I choose to have close to me, the people I love, and care for
@9K6CXSS 1yr1Y
The definition has generally evolved over time but to me it's always been just having a parental figure raising a bunch of kids.
Family can be whatever an individual person believes. It is an open definition, it could be blood, or non-blood, two parents, one parent, 3 parents, no children, not dating and only adopting or having pets. It's all personal
Family can be anything from adopted parents and siblings, to foster families, to found 'families' (like friendships) and to LGBTQ+ families.
Family and in-turn the concept of the Nuclear family are always ever changing whether that be on a societal or personal level. For myself, family is wrought with generational trauma and alcohol dependence, a trait all too common in Scottish/ Irish lineage. The idea of family was dashed rather early in my life experience, resulting in finding family and strength through friendship bonds, some deeper than those I lack in a familial context.
Family at first for me was those who I was related to by blood. But now the definition has broadened I believe it is not only those who you are related to by blood but also those such as your friends who you have created a deep and everlasting bond with each other
Family is a support network of people who surround and care for someone.
This can be blood related or not.
@9K2SLQMOne Nation1yr1Y
The definition of family is a unit that have both mother and father with their intended amount of children although society has been brainwashed on this subject it is detrimental to the survival of society and their mental health that the manipulations into these matters ends
A family can be established beyond blood relations. The definition of family has evolved and will likely continue to change depending on society's values.
Family is the family unit and extended people that they associate with on a regular basis with support and care. They don’t have to be blood relatives
Family is that which you are imidiantly related to via genetics
Family to me is our ancestors as well knowing where your origins are and they have not changed
a group of people living together as a group with parents of one or more and children's either foster or biological and no it has not changed
Family is those in imediate and extended relation to yourself, this could include an informal adoption of close friends into this family.
family is a group of people that you trust and have learnt to build a strong relationship with. It is not defined by blood.
Family is in a very narrow sense biological, but its strength is amplified when your family provides for you, takes care of you, provides you with opportunities to succeed etc. Simple biological relation is neither necessary nor sufficient to impose familial obligation on an individual
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