More, and privatize the entire healthcare industry
Less, and provide more government funding
More, and end government subsidies
Less, and there should be no privatization of the healthcare industry

Historical Results

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Historical Importance

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Other Popular Answers

Unique answers from Australia users whose views extended beyond the provided choices.

 @4YYWWRCfrom South Australia answered…4yrs4Y

It is ironic that the average working Registered Nurse working in a private hospital can not afford private health insurance to receive care that is provided by that nurse. Healthcare services need to be accessible by everyone even if it means increased taxes for that purpose. The healthcare system must be forward moving only.

 @4VX9G3Dfrom Queensland answered…4yrs4Y

Less. Public health is all our problem. Privatisation = profit for a select few

 @Glenmarfrom Western Australia answered…4yrs4Y

Absolutely not or we will end up like the USA where people's health will be dependent upon if they have insurance or not. The medicare system as it is has been working so why change it.


I am a small business working under the ndis. We need to keep these programs and put money into disability and rather ensure these businesses have some understanding of health and structures in place.


People paying private insurance shouldn't have such high out of pocket expenses too. Some of this should be payed by the government as well.


Hospitals should work side-by-side with existing non-medical health care systems, just as they do in other countries like India & China. Funding should go to all systems equally with equipment shared. The outcome should be to maximise positive health outcomes instead of the current system of hooking up patients to progressively more expensive drugs/treatments, increasing long-term suffering unnecessarily & ending their life prematurely. The whole money-engineering mentality must change.