Try the political quiz

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 @9QQXC8B answered…2hrs2H

Depends. I’m personally not read on the trans topic, but I do understand gay, lesbian, and bisexual. In the case of latt…

 @9QQXC8B answered…2hrs2H

It’s not black or white. It’s very contextual. Abortion is fine when fetus is not sentient. If the fetus becomes sentien…

 @9QQXC8B answered…2hrs2H

I have to read more about it. Neutral - no opinion.

 @9QQXC8B answered…2hrs2H

Depends how feasible it is. The idea of it is nice, but how practical is it? If it was a good idea, it would have been i…

 @9QQXC8B answered…2hrs2H

I don’t really understand this. I will have to look into it more. Are products generally taxed when shipped or is the Ch…

 @9QQXC8B answered…2hrs2H

It’s conditional for me: If Australia is struggling, that money should be directed towards Australian struggles until…

 @9QQXC8B answered…2hrs2H

Depends on the ethics and guidelines. If it’s like chatgpt, politically correct, then no. If the ai does not contain pol…

 @9QQSG6X answered…4hrs4H


 @9QQPCKB answered…8hrs8H

No instead make a mandatory national service act where they can choose between police force, military or a some sort of…