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 @4ZHZGV4from New South Wales  answered…4yrs4Y

How about a free trade agreement with other third world countries instead of continually feeding the monster in China. China pouring so much throw away trash into this country and Australia's are frittering their hard earned dollars on rubbish that turns into landfill. I want to see other countries from the third world given more opportunities to do trade with Australia.

 @4XXZQTVfrom South Australia  answered…4yrs4Y

How can you (not) support something that you are not allowed to know all the details of?


Sharing relations with different countries is important, however we must encourage stricter humanitarian and animal rights standards


Yes, but any sanctions met by either party should be put under review of the WTO to prevent trade warfare.

 @9T7DDX2 answered…4mos4MO

Australia should become more self-sufficient and rely less upon trade with China to prop up our economy at the expense of Australian industries and workers.


I think that good in the short term but we should move our economic dependence away from foreign powers


Yes, but only if China stops taking aggressive action towards ADF assets in international waters and airspace


Yes but we should do more to lessen our dependence on China and to prevent outsourcing of Australian jobs


Yes, but we should do more to lessen dependence on Chinese trade and prevent outsourcing of Australian jobs


Yes, but only if Australia tries to become less dependent on China and prevent outsourcing of Aussie jobs


I think that it is both good and bad in it's own way (humanitarian and animal rights standards are not upheld everywhere but it helps to enforce our alliance and is a large money source for international exporters around australia)


To a certain extent. Not at the sake of housing prices and for the exploitation of Australian citizens


I don’t really understand this. I will have to look into it more. Are products generally taxed when shipped or is the Chinese getting some special treatment for some reason?


I think we should begin to expand relations to India etc and begin to rely less on China, Diversify the portfolio so to speak.


I do not like the trade agreement as China is too egotistical, however, I understand that the trading is necessary for the economy.


yes but we need to look for other suppliers we are too reliant on china trade for our economy, especially in our iron ore exports


Yes, but Australia should seek to diversify their trade partners to decrease the effect of China's implementation of tariffs.


I don’t believe that China would ever agree and adhere to a true free-trade agreement with Australia


as long as both countries are benefiting equally and Australia isn't taking advantage of chinas market.

 @9K8TZN2New Liberalanswered…11mos11MO

No - there is no such thing as a Free Trade Agreement. Only regulated markets and governments whom negotiate (often not well) on their behalf.


No. China are economic bullies and we should try to reduce our trade with them once our economy improves.


No, and we should try to reduce Australian trade with China once the cost of living goes down. They are economic bullies.


No. China are economic bullies and we rely too much on them economically. We need to find new trading partners.

 @9CVZ3N9from Maine  answered…2yrs2Y


No, we should do more to prevent the outsourcing of Australian jobs, and not until China ages to float the yuan and meets strict humanitarian and animal rights stds


I support the free trade agreement to some extent but we must also make sure to support Australian jobs


limit the amount of outsourcing and only if China agrees to float the yuan and end its currency manipulation and not until China meets strict humanitarian and animal rights standards


Australia needs to become less reliant on china. Australia needs to get new trading partners, particularly those in NATO. While breaking away from China would be rough at first, it would certainly benefit us in the long run.


No, not until China agrees to adhere to humanitarian and animal rights standards and end its economic misdeeds, such as it's currency manipulation.



As long as China provides us with adequate sources and Australia returns it there is no issue.


Kinda of but also we shouldnt be so dependable on China for trade and services


No, not until China meets strict humanitarian rights standards (Xin- Xiang, Hong Kong, South China Sea, Chinese corporations with CCP ties overseas) and halts it’s military intimidation and propaganda war over Taiwan.


No, Australia should be aiming at self sufficiency and should not be partnering with countries that do not meet human rights, animal rights and environmental sustainability benchmarks.


No, we should do more to prevent outsourcing Australian jobs and china companies should be forced to meet strict standard humanitarian and animal rights


Yes, so long as the products meet environmental safety standards for people and pollution.


Only if China agrees to operate within renegotiated rules which are fair.


I actually don’t know enough about this to form an opinion. I think we need to keep a lot more jobs and produce for ourselves, I think China need to improve human and animal rights practices but I think it would be hypocritical of Australia to enforce that on them unless we improve our own. It’s complicated and nuanced. I don’t actually know.


Neither for or against, Australia needs to stand up and start producing more home grown but of course we will still out source to other countries, not only china


I don't have enough of an understanding about this to have a solid opinion.


No, and we should do more to prevent the outsourcing of Australian jobs No, not until China meets strict humanitarian and animal rights standards


No. Not until the CCP stop 'legally' dehumanising people such as the unborn, Christians and Muslims



China should be hit with a Tarif for our iron ore because they need our iron ore and we need to pay off debt.


No, not until China meets strict humanitarian and animal rights standards and do more to keep Australian jobs



No and we should do more to prevent outsourcing from Australia as well as actively push for China to meet stricter humanitarian standards.


Australia should continue to trade with China, but find alternative partners to trade with.



Yes provided China respects Australia's genuine freedom and independence


I think it is a good think however, Australia shouldn't rely on China for all products. Australia should be able to create their own products, this as well keeps jobs for Australian peoples


Yes and no; while the trade agreement strengthens our economy, we are supporting a country that has many humanitarian issues and things I dont personally support


my knowledge is limited, so I cannot make an informed judgement as of yet.


Yes as a partnership with the country can be beneficial with Australia, however China should improve the rights of animals, workers and those they are trading with.



Yes, but we should try to persuade China to meet strict humanitarian and animal rights standards


No, Not until we have a reason to trade with them instead, and we aren't hostile to them.



 @8Y693VNSocialist Allianceanswered…3yrs3Y

Free market directives should be reduced in favour of more socialist initiatives





No, instead move this Free Trade agreement to Japan, South Korea, Singapore or Indonesia.


We must slowly decrease our reliance on Chinese-Australian trade relations.


Yes and no. Yes but only if China meds its currency manipulation. No because they need much better animal welfare regulations.


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