Try the political quiz

Rex Patrick’s policies on environmental issues

These issues below are sorted in descending order based on how important the average Australian voter ranked them on the quiz.


the Environment  ›  Environmental Regulation

Should the government increase environmental regulations on businesses to reduce carbon emissions?

  Rex Patrick voterbaseYes, and provide more incentives for alternative energy production

the Environment  ›  Foreign Land Ownership

Should the government allow the sale of Australian agricultural land and water to foreign buyers?

  Rex Patrick voterbaseNo

the Environment  ›  Fracking

Do you support the use of hydraulic fracking to extract oil and natural gas resources?

  Rex Patrick voterbaseNo

the Environment  ›  Uranium

Should the government allow the mining and export of Uranium?

  Rex Patrick voterbaseYes

the Environment  ›  Nuclear Waste

Do you support building a nuclear waste storage facility in the Northern Territory?

  Rex Patrick voterbaseYes