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 @9CFYDW6Liberalfrom Guam answered…10mos10MO


provided it is taxed correctly, and sent to non nuclear armed countries


Yes, but only if exports go to countries which have signed the nuclear non-proliferation treaty, and the mines exist with consent from local indigenous leaders.

 @9994LPHGreenfrom Guam answered…1yr1Y

Yes, as long as the mining adheres to environmental regulations and doesn't destroy sacred indigenous or important historical sites


Yes; mining and export of uranium should continue, as long it is safe and environmentally friendly to do so.


Yes, but the federal government should take responsibility for the spent material once it reaches the end of it's useful life.


Yes to countries which have signed the nuclear non-proliferation treaty and develop an Australian nuclear power industry

 @92Y8R4HUnited Australiaanswered…2yrs2Y



Should be discouraged but not banned; also only export to countries which have signed the nuclear non-proliferation treaty



No, we should be investing in more renewable energy sources such as electric cars


No, allow the mining but ban the export. Use our uranium to benefit our country.


Yes, but only if exports go to countries which have signed the nuclear non-proliferation treaty and have permission from indigenous land owners to mine


Yes, but only if exports go to countries which have signed the nuclear non-proliferation treaty AND have permission from Indigenous communities.

 @923BG3JOne Nationanswered…2yrs2Y

Only if the government takes more on taxes from exportation of it, and to be able to mine it and use it in Australia for nuclear power


Yes, but only if the country hasn't made nuclear threats in the pasty century


Yes, but they should look for alternative options to phase this industry out




Export should be minimised in favour of research and development, on nuclear medicine and power in Australia


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