In 2015 the Australian government Thursday blocked the sale of a large portfolio of farmland to Chinese investors on national interest grounds. Four separate groups linked to Chinese-based investors were denied from bidding on properties that amounted to 2.5% of Australia’s farming land owned by S. Kidman & Co. The proposed sale had become a test case for how the country balances concerns over foreign ownership with the need for foreign investment in an economy that has slowed sharply due to the collapse in commodity prices this year.
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Federal Electorate:
No, forbid all foreign ownership, we should have collective and nationalised ownership of the means of production by Australians for Australians.
Yes and no, depending one the resources needed to sustain Australians and how the other countries will use it, is it mutually beneficial to all
@B2FTPK3 2mos2MO
Yes, but only those who can prove they intend to move to or remain in Australia to oversee and maintain what they're buying.
Yes, so long as they don't affect Australian national security or jeopardise the Australian economy or farming industry in any way.
No company from overseas working in Australia should have more than 50% ownership. We are bleeding money that could be making us rich.
Only if they are approved by a review board and the jobs of our farmers are protected
No and compulsory acquisition of existing foreign owned assets.
No and compulsory acquire existing holdings.
No, our land! Forcebly acquire foreign owned land with compensation.
No and socialise water supply
Australia must give land back to the Indigenous tribes that originally owned and lived on it.
No water should be under public control
As long as no jobs are lost
We should only allow leasing with no environmental damage assurance and no damming or diverting our water ways!
Only to our allies (USA, England, ECT)
Yes regards agricultural land subject to a Review Board determination. Water purchases should remain under control of a Review Board & be subject to constant review. Water as a 'commodity' to be traded requires to be totally overhauled.
Land is not for the govt to sell
For individuals or businesses?
No, and nationalize everything
Not at all, not an inch of Australian land and resources should be owned by a foreigner. Any assets owned by non-citizens should be confiscated and nationalised without any compensation.
Agricultural land yes. Water no unless it is tied to a suitable land area.
Only if they agree to acknowledge and respect the aboriginal people and their cultures.
yes only to the us Canada ROK uk japan
No, and forced buy backs.
yes but only to the us canda mexico japan and sotrh korea
If they are entitled to use the land to support the Australian economy as much as their own wealth
Only if it's not from a hostile country
Missed the boat on this one!!!
Blind Freddy can see the amount of prime agricultural land OWNED and leased by the Chinese whose workforce are largely Chinese citizens. WTF! How out of touch can governments be? Who is the beneficiary? China yet again.
Yes but only after careful research
No, and the same should be true of mines and other large-scale operations
Land should not be owned
No, unless the foreign buyers are proven to facilitate more environmentally sustainable practises than Australian buyers
@8ZZRGYQAnimal Justice3yrs3Y
😭 land shouldn’t be owned
No, and forcebly acquire assets that already are already foreign owned.
@8Z63VR3One Nation3yrs3Y
Reduce foreign ownership below controlling interest possibilities
Yes, if they are approved by a review board but add restrictions so we can protect the jobs of our farmers.
Yes, I agree with agricultural land, but not water.
The sale of Australian agricultural land and water should be closely monitored to avoid excessive foreign ownership/interference.
We should allow Indigenous custodians to make decisions about their land.
No, land and water ought not be bought and sold at all, but managed as part of a commons for the good of all creatures who live here.
No they should be given back to the Traditional Owners in a Treaty Process
Yes, give water to foreign buyers but keep Australian agricultural lands of the market.
Not to the China government, China's state owned enterprises and entities and people who are closely related to the China government.
It should be up to First Nations people/traditional land owners and a community not just an individual who can be corrupted / paid off
If they aren't living here then why should they own the land? The land belongs to the Aboriginal peoples and Torres Strait Islanders (first nation people).
All land should only be bought and sold by those holding Australian citizenship. Selling land to foreigners or foreign companies should be abolished.
Our land should never be sold, it could be leased, a thirty or fifty year lease.
Yes, but maintain crown ownership. The only reason to take the land back would be through military action due to war.
Yes as long as it benefits the economy
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