
Historical Results

See how support for each position on “High Risk Immigrant Ban” has changed over time for 319 Australia voters.

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Historical Importance

See how importance of “High Risk Immigrant Ban” has changed over time for 319 Australia voters.

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Other Popular Answers

Unique answers from Australia users whose views extended beyond the provided choices.


Security and background check them and if they are safe then no if not then yes


No but put into a safe and secure area before known as potential terrorists


How many more of these questions will be Americanized - I sure with Australia


Make sure we raise security from high risk countries and have firm checks from them to make sure it’s safe for them to come here


It would be hard to determine if they have links to terrorism but maybe the government should invest in some ways to monitor those family/people.


Yes, but only if they went through a background check for criminal history.