Yes, there is too much fake news and misinformation on social media
No, the government should not determine what is fake or real news
Yes, social media companies are politically biased and need to be regulated
No, social media companies are private and should not be regulated by the government

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Other Popular Answers

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This is a complex question. Farm trolls and deliberate misinformation need to be dealt with. Perhaps it should be a condition of social media platforms operating that they strenuously moderate their sites?


They should reuglate social media sites, but not as a means to prevent fake news and misinformation. They should be monitored for illegal activity.


Neither I don’t trust social media or believe all the information the government provides us is correct


Not necessarily regulate per say but at least hold the social media sites accountable for any misinformation, especially if they go viral


No, but an independent unbiased body should stop the spread of Fake news and Misinformation.

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