Yes, but they must perform community service on a daily basis
No, but we should increase funding to offer education and skill building services for prisoners
Yes, but place them under house arrest using an electronic bracelet
No, we should build more prisons

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Other Popular Answers

Unique answers from Australia users whose views extended beyond the provided choices.


Yes, but there should still be some sort of punishment involved e.g community service or house arrest


Yes, and they should be provided with wholistic, culturally safe support to reintegrate into the community.


if they are in jail for drugs and are clean they should be let out and do some community service if they and put in for killed someone but are not violent they should not be let out and in there in jail for stealing or something pretty bad they should be let out and put on house arrest for a bit and only let out for community service.


Depends on the sort of crime they committed to get into jail. Some people might act non-violent for the sake of leaving.


Yes but the prisoners have to be under supervision until they prove that the wont commit criminal offences


Depending on the crime, if its anything more than theft/drug use or dui's NO. Monitor those released though.