The top income tax bracket in Australia includes all incomes over $181,000 and is taxed between 30.3% and 45%. Individuals making $180,000 are taxed $65,000 plus $.45 for each $1 earned over $180,000. An individual making more than $500,000 would pay a tax rate of 59% in Australia, 57% in the UK, 60% in the US and 73% in Brazil.
Response rates from 489k Australia voters.
68% Yes |
31% No |
61% Yes |
25% No |
7% Lower the income tax rate and remove all existing tax loopholes for large corporations |
4% No, but lower taxes for the poor |
0% Yes, and raise taxes on all income brackets |
2% No, keep the current tax structure |
1% Reform to a flat tax |
Trend of support over time for each answer from 489k Australia voters.
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Trend of how important this issue is for 489k Australia voters.
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Unique answers from Australia voters whose views went beyond the provided options.
How do you determine rich? Its not about salary really is it. The filthy rich do not receive standard pay and wages as normal workers do. It's these people that must be taxed and that includes all they receive and spend as corporate expenses . The normal worker gets taxed on perks and allowances. The filthy rich get away without any issue on their perks and out of pockets!
Yes, but also take into consideration the number of children supported in the household
Raise the income tax on higher earners, lower it on lower earner and remove all existing tax loopholes for large corporations
Ever so slightly, but remove all existing tax loopholes for large corporations to ensure they pay their fair share
No, taxes for everyone should be lowered for everyone, and taxes for business owners should be even lower
everyone should pay their fair share of taxation higher incomes should pay more tax then a lower income earner but no one should and will pay more the there fair share.
@9K9VF63 7mos7MO
raise the tax's on the top income bracket and move that money to funding domestic polices and to decreasing our national debt
Taxes should vary based on income/tax bracket. The rich will naturally be paying more than those in lower tax brackets. The rich should not receive additional tax increases.
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