Yes, temporarily while we increase investment into cleaner renewable alternatives
No, we should invest in cleaner alternatives such as wind, hydroelectric, thorium, and geothermal
Yes, as long as there is no public subsidy
Yes, and nationalise the industry
Yes, but with public subsidy

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Other Popular Answers

Unique answers from Australia users whose views extended beyond the provided choices.


Yes, but there needs to be more inquiry’s and planning around it besides the weekend it took liberal to think it up

 @9LQSG5Sfrom Guam answered…3mos3MO

Use fossil fuels and reserve nuclear for maritime and space affairs, or just the powering of large remote vessels in general


Yes and it should be implemented post haste to the fullest extent of its current capability in consultion with relevant scientific communities

 @9KD6YBC answered…5mos5MO

Before using nuclear power we need an effective and safe way of dealing with nuclear waste. that or further developement in nuclear energy such as effective fusion energy instead of fision to remove the danger of radioactive waste.


i support nuclear energy as long as it is done properly and that workers at the power plants are trained in how to run the generators and systems, Australia overall should have a nuclear with solar on roofs and that all our energy companies should be owned by the federal government.

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