Yes, but only if China agrees to float the yuan and end its currency manipulation
No, not until China meets strict humanitarian and animal rights standards
No, and we should do more to prevent the outsourcing of Australian jobs

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Other Popular Answers

Unique answers from Australia users whose views extended beyond the provided choices.

 @4ZHZGV4from New South Wales answered…4yrs4Y

How about a free trade agreement with other third world countries instead of continually feeding the monster in China. China pouring so much throw away trash into this country and Australia's are frittering their hard earned dollars on rubbish that turns into landfill. I want to see other countries from the third world given more opportunities to do trade with Australia.

 @4XXZQTVfrom South Australia answered…4yrs4Y

How can you (not) support something that you are not allowed to know all the details of?


No, we should do more to prevent the outsourcing of Australian jobs, and not until China ages to float the yuan and meets strict humanitarian and animal rights stds

 @9RBCFVBanswered…5 days5D

I think that it is both good and bad in it's own way (humanitarian and animal rights standards are not upheld everywhere but it helps to enforce our alliance and is a large money source for international exporters around australia)