Increase, our economy relies on businesses hiring the highest skilled workers at the lowest cost
Decrease, and the government should provide more incentives to prepare our citizens for these jobs
Decrease, companies are currently taking advantage of this program to decrease wages

Historical Results

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Historical Importance

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Other Popular Answers

Unique answers from Australia users whose views extended beyond the provided choices.

 @4SV8NC6from New South Wales answered…4yrs4Y

Increase. Do know how many darkies you can house in a 20 ft x 20 foot tin shed? A bloody lot! And you can charge them more than their wages for board. This also helps keep wages low.


Education and training for citizens should be increased and skilled visas decreased as our own skills shortage is resolved. Imported labour is too susceptible to exploitation.


Increase, but there should be legislation to stop companies from taking advantage of this program to decrease wages


Increase as long as qualification and education standards are l, at minimum, to what is provided here and that they have the same values as Australians.


Should provide equal pay for all workers and bring overseas workers where there is a shortage


Increase, but have tighter regulations on companies claiming skills lack and increase training availability for those areas.