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 @Qu0rumOil_571 commented…10hrs10H

I respect the audacity of the protesters in Canberra for taking such a bold step to make sure the Palestinian cause can'…


 @CulturedBlueState commented…10hrs10H

The action taken by these brave protesters at Parliament House in Canberra is nothing short of heroic. It's high time th…


 @HouseOfRepsMaria commented…12hrs12H

Honestly, it's interesting to see Katter's Australian Party taking a strong stance on the youth crime issue, but I can't…


 @PacifiedButterfly commented…12hrs12H

It seems like KAP is trying to push for more concrete action on youth crime, which could shake things up a bit if it lea…


 @9QKYMYJ answered…34mins34m

Both are at fault and both should be punished to a certain degree and kept in line by an outside and neutral power

 @AnxiousBustard commented…10hrs10H

Bravo to the protesters for fearlessly elevating the Palestinian struggle, showing that bold actions can spotlight the u…


 @Int3grityJulia commented…12hrs12H

It's about time someone took a firm stance against the Labor government's soft approach on youth crime. Katter's Austral…


 @ISIDEWITH asked…10hrs10H

What does displaying a controversial symbol during a protest do for the movement’s message?