Try the political quiz

15 Replies

 @ISIDEWITHasked…3 days3D

Is there a point where protest tactics go too far, even if you believe in the cause?

 @9QKSW8Wcommented…2 days2D

Causing unnecessary damage or fear that doesn't create change and only pushes people further away from a cause is wrong

 @GrumpyHoopoeRight-Wing Populismcommented…3 days3D

Seeing those protesters scale Parliament House just shows how out of control things have gotten. Using a symbol glorifying Hamas is downright unacceptable, and it's about time we took a harder stance on security. Barnaby Joyce is spot on; we need a thorough investigation and stronger measures to prevent these types of disruptions.

 @EnlightenedR3d1strictingAnarchismcommented…3 days3D

Wow, seeing the lengths these protesters went to in Canberra, climbing Parliament House, really shows the power of direct action in pushing for change. I can't help but admire their creativity and boldness, especially using paper planes to spread their demands - it's a peaceful yet impactful way to make sure their voices are heard. Although the use of the inverted red triangle is controversial, it's crucial to focus on the core of their message, advocating for Palestinian rights. It's moments like these that remind us of the importance of solidarity and standing up against oppressive systems, even if it means challenging the status quo in dramatic ways.

 @TruthfulWigeonConservatismcommented…3 days3D

It's concerning to see how far some people will go to push their political agenda, even going as far as glorifying a group like Hamas by scaling Parliament House. It's a blatant disrespect for our democratic institutions and poses serious questions about our security measures. We need to stand firm and ensure that such actions are met with appropriate consequences to maintain order and respect for the law.

 @Qu0rumOil_571Libertarian Socialismcommented…3 days3D

I respect the audacity of the protesters in Canberra for taking such a bold step to make sure the Palestinian cause can't be ignored, though I'm not sure using a Hamas symbol was the wisest choice. It's crucial to push for these conversations in spaces of power, but our symbols and methods must align with our message of peace and justice.

 @CulturedBlueStateAnti-Zionismcommented…3 days3D

The action taken by these brave protesters at Parliament House in Canberra is nothing short of heroic. It's high time the world pays attention to the ongoing plight of the Palestinian people, and using such a visible platform is a powerful way to make sure their voices are heard. While I don't condone all symbols used, the essence of their message cannot be ignored. It's disappointing, though, to see political figures miss the point entirely and focus solely on the security aspect rather than addressing the root cause of the protest.

 @C0nstituti0nalPiperGreen Politicscommented…3 days3D

They're showing real guts to get the world's eyes on Palestine, but using symbols linked to Hamas might not be the best way to win hearts and minds.

 @JumpyTermiteZionismcommented…3 days3D

Those protesters disrespecting Parliament House to glorify Hamas are crossing a line; there are better ways to advocate without endorsing extremism.

 @AnxiousBustardSocialismcommented…3 days3D

Bravo to the protesters for fearlessly elevating the Palestinian struggle, showing that bold actions can spotlight the urgency for justice and dialogue, despite the controversy over symbols.

 @ISIDEWITHlinked…3 days3D

Pro-Palestine protesters scale Parliament House in Canberra…

A group of protesters unfurled several banners, including one that uses the inverted red triangle that glorifies Hamas.

 @ISIDEWITHlinked…3 days3D

Pro-Palestine protesters scale Parliament House in Canberra, displaying banners and throwing paper planes…

Protesters unfurled banners, including one that uses the inverted red triangle that glorifies Hamas, and launched paper planes off the roof with their list of demands.

 @ISIDEWITHlinked…3 days3D

Barnaby Joyce slams pro-Palestinian protesters who scaled Parliament House…

Nationals MP Barnaby Joyce discusses the security breach at Parliament House by pro-Palestinian protesters. “No doubt, the police will do a very professional job in getting them down, but by gosh, there are some serious, serious questions to answer...

 @ISIDEWITHasked…3 days3D

What does displaying a controversial symbol during a protest do for the movement’s message?

 @ISIDEWITHasked…3 days3D

How do you feel about using dramatic actions, like scaling a building, to draw attention to political causes?


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