Try the political quiz

18 Replies


Yes, students should be encouraged to voice their opinions so they have a greater understand the world around them.


No. This encourages radicalisation and indoctrination towards minds that are not fully developed. Students should have political exposure limited somewhat until they reach voting age.


no, students should wait till they have finished school or are 18 to make decisions that will effect social activity


No, when committed to a strong political opinion at ages under 15 - there is immaturity and an inability to fully grasp a concept


No because it robs them of their childhood and makes them view the world as bleak and unenchanting.

 @9QYC3XNDavid Pocockanswered…2wks2W

Yes. Engaging with social activism is important to be better equipped to handle situations that may arise in the future. It is also important for expanding beyond one's own circle compassionately.



Students should be taught knowledge so they can form their own opinions. They should not be instructed on what their opinion should be on a subject. Lets take a topic that you are an expert on, as an example. For me it is motorsport. When I talk to a casual viewer, their opinions are often backward and completely removed from logic. It is because they have little to no knowledge on the subject to properly form a reasonable opinion. This is the same for young students. They cannot possibly understand a subject enough to warrant being an 'activist'.


No. It is a waste of time. Go to school, get a job and stop wasting your time protesting about anything.



No activism should be freedom of choice but nobody should be forced into it against their own free will but it is good for youth to have a voice.

  @9PR7N3P answered…1mo1MO

If social activism is encouraged by leaders, it has no value. Transgression needs to be taken, at risk, and by force, and only when something is so wrong that we feel the necessary move to act. Otherwise, it's just entertainment.

 @9PP3M2Nfrom Arizona answered…1mo1MO

No I believe that student shouldn’t and they should make up their minds and that we should not indoctrinate children by encouraging a lifestyle that can help them or endanger them



No, primary and high school students should not be allowed to participate in social activism as they should be in school learning. They are to young to be able to make a properly informed decision on topics like environment or wars in other countries.


 @9RJX86T from Guam answered…2 days2D

No, most opinions aren't formed until around 18 to 20 and at earliest 16.


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