Based on my political beliefs, these are the political parties I side with on the issues that are most important to me.
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The colors of each candidate marker represent how passionate the candidate is about each topic.
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Here are the political parties ranked from most to least similar to your beliefs.
Here are your answers compared to each political party’s answer.
the Economy › Farm Subsidies
Agree | ★ Your answerYes, but only small local farms instead of large corporations |
Similar answerYes, but only for organic farms |
Similar answerYes |
Disagree | Liberal disagreeNo |
the Environment › Foreign Land Ownership
Agree | ★ Your answerNo, we should protect the jobs of our farmers |
Similar answerNo |
Socialist’s similar answerNo, and water should be under public control. |
Disagree | DisagreeYes |
DisagreeYes, if they are approved by a review board |
the Economy › Taxes
Agree | ★ Your answerYes |
Similar answerLower the income tax rate and remove all existing tax loopholes for large corporations |
Disagree | DisagreeNo |
Family disagreeReform to a flat tax |
Foreign Policy › Foreign Aid
Agree | ★ Your answerIncrease |
Science’s similar answerIncrease, but only for countries that have no human rights violations |
Disagree | Liberal disagreeDecrease |
DisagreeDecrease, until we drastically reduce our national budget deficit |
Jacquie Lambie Network disagreeDecrease, and deny aid to countries that harbour or promote terrorism |
Foreign Policy › North Korea Military Strikes
Agree | ★ Your answerNo, we must use every diplomatic option first |
Similar answerNo |
the Economy › Offshore Banking
Agree | ★ Your answerNo, and neither should corporations and business organizations |
Similar answerNo, too many wealthy citizens are abusing loopholes in offshore banking laws to evade taxes |
Disagree | DisagreeYes, as long as offshore income is reported |
Liberal disagreeYes |
Foreign Policy › Mandatory Military Service
Agree | ★ Your answerYes, but only for those who do not pursue further education or employment |
Jacquie Lambie Network’s similar answerYes |
One’s similar answerYes, but only for those who are starting to build a criminal record |
Disagree | DisagreeNo, service should be a choice instead of an obligation |
Foreign Policy › United Nations
Agree | ★ Your answerYes |
Similar answerYes, but scale back our current involvement |
the Economy › Government Spending
Agree | ★ Your answerNo, reduce military spending instead |
Shooters, Fishers and Farmers Party’s similar answerNo, reduce the number of government officials instead |
Similar answerNo, increase taxes on large multinational corporations instead |
Similar answerNo, focus on ending tax evasion instead |
Disagree | DisagreeYes |
One disagreeYes, but by drastically reducing the benefits and salaries of government officials |
the Economy › Economic Stimulus
Agree | ★ Your answerYes |
Similar answerYes, but in the form of increased spending on infrastructure |
One’s similar answerYes, but in the form of tax breaks for all citizens |
Similar answerYes, the government should intervene to boost a recovery |
Disagree | Liberal disagreeNo |
Domestic Policy › Drug Policy
Agree | ★ Your answerYes, for most but not all drugs |
Similar answerYes |
Socialist’s similar answerYes, and retroactively reduce sentences for those already serving time |
Disagree | DisagreeNo, and increase punishment for drug dealers |
DisagreeNo, but increase funding for addiction prevention and rehabilitation |
the Economy › Welfare Drug Testing
Agree | ★ Your answerYes, but provide treatment for those testing positive |
Similar answerYes |
One’s similar answerYes, and immediately terminate benefits for anyone testing positive |
Disagree | DisagreeNo, this is a waste of time and money |
Labor disagreeNo |
Liberal disagreeRegardless, we should end all social welfare programs |
the Environment › Environmental Regulation
Agree | ★ Your answerYes, and provide more incentives for alternative energy production |
Similar answerYes |
Disagree | DisagreeNo, and the current government is over-regulating businesses |
DisagreeNo, and I believe global warming is a natural occurrence |
DisagreeNo, provide more incentives for alternative energy production instead |
Domestic Policy › Government Surveillance
Agree | ★ Your answerNo |
Similar answerNo, and enact legislation preventing government surveillance of citizen communications |
Disagree | DisagreeYes, but only by court order |
DisagreeYes |
One disagreeYes, but only for those with criminal backgrounds |
the Economy › Rent Tax
Agree | ★ Your answerYes, close loopholes and increase mining taxes |
Similar answerYes |
Disagree | DisagreeNo |
DisagreeNo, and we should abolish it |
the Economy › Equal Pay
Agree | ★ Your answerNo, there are too many other variables such as education, experience, and tenure that determine a fair salary |
Similar answerNo, the government should never determine what a private business should pay employees |
Disagree | DisagreeYes |
the Economy › Minimum Wage
Agree | ★ Your answerNo |
Similar answerNo, most minimum wage jobs are meant to develop experience, not support a family |
Similar answerNo, this will only cause prices to increase in a never ending cycle |
Liberal’s similar answerNo, and eliminate all wage standards |
Disagree | DisagreeYes |
David disagreeYes, and make it a living wage |
DisagreeYes, and adjust it every year according to inflation |
Social › Parental Leave
Agree | ★ Your answerYes, and fund the increased payouts from taxes on high income businesses |
Socialist’s similar answerYes |
Disagree | Liberal disagreeNo, there should be no paid parental leave |
DisagreeNo, all mothers should get paid the same amount |
Family disagreeNo |
DisagreeNo, but increase the equal pay amount and duration of leave |
Immigration › Muslim Immigrant Ban
Agree | ★ Your answerNo, banning immigrants based on their religion is unconstitutional |
Similar answerNo |
Similar answerNo, but we should ban immigrants from “high risk” countries |
Disagree | DisagreeYes |
the Environment › Nuclear Waste
Agree | ★ Your answerYes, but only if there is no risk to the environment |
Similar answerYes, if there is consent from the local indigenous communities |
Similar answerYes |
Disagree | DisagreeNo |
the Environment › Coal Seam Gas
Agree | ★ Your answerNo, more research needs to be done to ensure there is no groundwater contamination |
Similar answerNo, we should provide more funding for renewable energy instead |
Similar answerNo |
Disagree | DisagreeYes |
DisagreeYes, but increase environmental restrictions and oversight |
Healthcare › Healthcare Privatisation
Agree | ★ Your answerLess |
Socialist’s similar answerLess, and there should be no privatization of the healthcare industry |
Similar answerLess, and provide more government funding |
Disagree | DisagreeMore |
Healthcare › Marijuana
Agree | ★ Your answerYes |
Similar answerYes, but only for medical use |
Disagree | DisagreeNo |
One disagreeNo, and increase penalties for non-violent drug offenders |
Immigration › Skilled Immigrants
Agree | ★ Your answerIncrease |
Socialist’s similar answerIncrease, and abolish the 457 visa |
Disagree | DisagreeDecrease, companies are currently taking advantage of this program to decrease wages |
DisagreeDecrease, and the government should provide more incentives to prepare our citizens for these jobs |
Coalition disagreeI am satisfied with the current amount |
the Economy › National Broadband Network
Agree | ★ Your answerYes |
Similar answerYes, a national high-speed fibre optic network is crucial for the future of Australia's economy |
Disagree | DisagreeNo, this should be privatised |
DisagreeNo, a more cost effective solution should be developed such as fibre to the node |
Liberals disagreeNo |
Foreign Policy › Whaling
Agree | ★ Your answerNo, just prevent Japanese whaling in Australian waters |
Similar answerNo, take a diplomatic approach to discourage Japanese whaling |
Similar answerNo |
Disagree | DisagreeYes |
DisagreeYes, and take an active stance to stop whaling all over the world |
the Economy › Corporate Tax
Agree | ★ Your answerKeep current rates but eliminate deductions and loop holes |
Socialist’s similar answerRaise |
Disagree | DisagreeLower |
DisagreeIncrease for large multinational corporations but lower for small businesses |
DisagreeLower, but eliminate deductions and loop holes |
the Economy › Mining Water Use
Agree | ★ Your answerYes |
Disagree | DisagreeNo |
Domestic Policy › Internet Regulation
Agree | ★ Your answerYes, but only to prevent child pornography and copyright infringement |
Similar answerYes |
Liberals’ similar answerYes, maintain a blacklist of censored websites and require ISPs to retain data for two years for police investigations |
Disagree | DisagreeNo |
Reason disagreeNo, do not censor or monitor data |
the Environment › Genetically Modified Foods
Agree | ★ Your answerNo |
Disagree | DisagreeYes |
DisagreeYes, but require the labelling of foods that are genetically modified |
DisagreeYes, but producers should not be able to patent seeds |
Crime › Adler A110 Ban
Agree | ★ Your answerYes |
Similar answerYes, this gun’s availability would put the public at risk of a mass shooting |
Disagree | DisagreeNo |
the Economy › Bitcoin
Agree | ★ Your answerNo, it provides too high of risk for criminal activity |
Labor’s political party support base similar answerNo |
Disagree | Liberal disagreeYes |
Healthcare › Mental Health
Agree | ★ Your answerYes, our mental healthcare system needs more funding to provide a higher quality of care and services |
Similar answerYes |
Disagree | DisagreeNo, incentivise private companies to address this issue instead |
Immigration › Boat Immigrants
Agree | ★ Your answerYes |
Liberal’s similar answerYes, they should be treated the same as those arriving by air |
Similar answerYes, do not turn back boats and process them onshore |
Disagree | DisagreeNo |
DisagreeNo, turn the boats back at sea and process them offshore with hard security checks and temporary protection visas |
Foreign Policy › U.S. Military Bases
Agree | ★ Your answerYes |
Similar answerYes, but only if they are jointly owned and operated |
Liberals’ similar answerYes, but only if it is a joint Australia/U.S. base |
Disagree | DisagreeNo |
Science disagreeNo, and we should establish more neutrality in our international affairs |
the Environment › Uranium
Agree | ★ Your answerYes, but only if exports go to countries which have signed the nuclear non-proliferation treaty |
Similar answerYes |
Disagree | DisagreeNo |
Healthcare › Universal Dental Care
Agree | ★ Your answerYes |
Similar answerYes, but only for children and senior citizens |
Disagree | DisagreeNo |
Domestic Policy › High Speed Rail
Agree | ★ Your answerYes |
Similar answerYes, but only if it's a cross country system linking all states |
Science’s similar answerYes, if it is a Hyperloop |
Disagree | DisagreeNo, but possibly later when it's affordable |
DisagreeNo |
Domestic Policy › Live Exports
Agree | ★ Your answerYes, allow exports to countries which enforce animal cruelty laws |
Similar answerYes |
Similar answerYes, exports are crucial to the farming industry |
Disagree | DisagreeNo |
DisagreeNo, ban all live exports |
Healthcare › Hospitals
Agree | ★ Your answerNo |
Similar answerNo, this model encourages hospitals to use unnecessary expensive treatments on patients in order to make a profit |
Disagree | DisagreeYes |
Foreign Policy › Overthrow of Assad
Agree | ★ Your answerNo |
Foreign Policy › Egypt
Agree | ★ Your answerNo |
Similar answerNo, we should stay out of this |
Labor’s similar answerNo, the Muslim Brotherhood won control of the Egyptian government in a democratic election and Australia should support its cause |
Disagree | DisagreeYes |
Domestic Policy › Housing Bubble
Agree | ★ Your answerNo |
Social › Abortion
Agree | ★ Your answerPro-life, but allow in cases of rape, incest, or danger to the mother or child |
Barely similar answerPro-life |
Disagree | DisagreePro-choice |
DisagreePro-choice, and providing birth control, sex education, and more social services will help reduce the number of abortions |
Social › Euthanasia
Agree | ★ Your answerYes, but only after a psychological examination to show they fully understand this choice |
Similar answerYes |
Liberals’ political party support base similar answerYes, but only if there is no chance they will survive their illness |
Disagree | Coalition disagreeNo, but they should be allowed to refuse artificial life support |
Family disagreeNo |
the Economy › Labor Unions
Agree | ★ Your answerHelp |
Similar answerHelp, but ban their ability to make political donations |
Disagree | DisagreeHurt |
DisagreeHurt, I support some private unions but am strongly against public unions |
Social › Gay Marriage
Agree | ★ Your answerYes, but allow churches the right to refuse same-sex ceremonies |
Similar answerYes |
Liberal’s similar answerTake the government out of marriage and instead make it a religious decision |
Disagree | DisagreeNo, marriage should be defined as between a man and woman |
the Economy › Government Pensions
Agree | ★ Your answerNo |
Similar answerNo, not until we decrease our national debt |
Disagree | DisagreeYes, but only for low-income pensioners |
DisagreeYes, adjust them yearly for cost of living |
Liberal disagreeYes |
Social › Women in Combat
Agree | ★ Your answerYes, as long as they can pass the same physical tests as men |
Similar answerYes |
Similar answerYes, preventing women from serving in combat roles is discriminatory |
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Based on 6 questions that are ranked somewhat important to you.
Based on 8 questions that are ranked somewhat important to you.
Based on 5 questions that are ranked somewhat important to you.
Based on 3 questions that are ranked somewhat important to you.
Based on 6 questions that are ranked somewhat important to you.
Based on 1 question that is ranked somewhat important to you.
Based on 15 questions that are ranked somewhat important to you.
Based on 5 questions that are ranked less important to you.
Here is how you compare to your political parties on popular political themes.
You side slightly towards “keynesian”, meaning you more often believe the government should provide economic assistance to stabilize the economy. This theme is more important to you.
You side strongly towards “globalization”, meaning you strongly believe globalization is necessary in order to increase the economic strength, prosperity, and standard of living of the nation. This theme is more important to you.
You side moderately towards “politically correct”, meaning you believe we should not use language or behavior which could offend, marginalize, or insult those who are disadvantaged or discriminated against. This theme is more important to you.
You are a centrist on isolationism and imperialism issues. This theme is more important to you.
You side moderately towards “globalism”, meaning you support policies that prioritize the interests of the entire world above those of individual nations. This theme is more important to you.
You side moderately towards “collectivism”, meaning you believe policy should protect and support the best interests of all citizens. This theme is more important to you.
You are a centrist on authoritarian and libertarian issues. This theme is more important to you.
You side moderately towards “security”, meaning you believe the government should do everything within its power to ensure the security of its citizens. This theme is more important to you.
You side slightly towards “regulation”, meaning you more often believe the government should regulate business activity to ensure no one is taking advantage of the system. This theme is more important to you.
You side moderately towards “pacifism”, meaning you believe we should use non-violent diplomatic discussion to resolve conflicts. This theme is more important to you.
You side moderately towards “tender”, meaning you believe in showing compassion, empathy, and rehabilitation for small-time criminals or those struggling with addiction. This theme is somewhat important to you.
You side slightly towards “left wing”, meaning you more often support policies that promote social and economic equality. This theme is somewhat important to you.
You side moderately towards “multilateralism”, meaning you believe policy decisions should be made collectively with support of everyone who may be affected by the outcome of the decision. This theme is somewhat important to you.
You side moderately towards “democratic socialism”, meaning you support an economic system which advocates collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods. This theme is somewhat important to you.
You side moderately towards “big government”, meaning you believe the government should do more to address social inequality, corruption, and assistance for its citizens. This theme is only less important to you.
You side slightly towards “progressive”, meaning you more often believe we should be a nation that values personal freedom, expression, and diversity. This theme is only least important to you.
Here is how you compare to your political parties on the traditional ideological axis.
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