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Yes, But proceed with security screenings and background checks on all citizens

 @4ZDC8SXGreenfrom Western Australia answered…3yrs3Y

No, instead of turning back the boats - we should be escorting people back to the point of departure, and ensure that we do so in accordance with international law. Offshore processing is the only humane alternative to prevent enticing people to make the perilous journey. For those afraid of terrorists- they should know that the overwhelming majority of fanatics are from wealthy middle & upper classes, and who come by plane.

 @52298KJfrom Queensland answered…3yrs3Y

These queue jumpers have to be taught a lesson, come by boat and you never ever are accepted as an immigrant

 @4ZQBC6MKatter’s Australianfrom Queensland answered…3yrs3Y

Only families who are not Sunni Islam followers and who come from countries where we have no embassy. We should process our own refugees in a special isolated community (not fenced) but those to be processed must wear a id tracking band and stay in the refugee town. Anyone removing the band before being accepted will face instant deportation. Refugees must be processed within a 1 year time frame. Must have a mental, health, and attitude assessment before being accepted. Those with negative/violent points of views of Australia and its citicens (both male and female)must not be accepted. Stri…  Read more


 @4ZR6MR3from South Australia answered…3yrs3Y

Yes, they need to enter into a 6 year program of 2 years of counselling culture/language education, 1 year of training into a job and 3 years working for community services like work for the dole. Give back to the community if they are not working.


Overall no, as it encourages the illegal smuggling trade. We should work with a coalition of international governments to increase legal and safe ways for refugees and asylum seekers to reach a new life


I think they should and shouldn’t because some are coming over cause they need to flee from their country but some are coming over with things that are not welcome in our country and also importing things by boat.


No, asylum seekers by boat should be assessed and discouraged from accessing asylum in this method. Instead better education on an international level about the proper process for legitimate asylum application should be better communicated.


Yes, I think that we can't just turn them away. I think we need to help them, but they need to have security checks and make sure that they are safe to have in Australia.


I think Australia should accept asylum seeking boat immigrants but there needs to be a strict system of background checks


Yes, the boats should not be turned around, but before immigrating them as other citizens arriving by air would. Provide them with a certain area of Australia where they can learn english and the basics of our culture under acceptable housing and health conditions.


there must be strict background checks and if they are obviously a criminal they should be deported
if they are not then they should be allowed in but they shouldn't be given special protections or money
and that there should be certain rules they must follow.


varying on the what they can provide for the country i believe we can take in some but not all. But they all must be treated as equals


Should be accepted, but they need to have adequate housing before allowing them freedom into the country. Being detained in less than humane conditions is not acceptable, there should be more efforts made to building immigrant housing/reserves that are able to support them until they are legally allowed to live in the country. More efforts should be made to make use of the free land across the country by building and making it more habitable, creating jobs, rather than sending them to already over-populated/congested cities with higher cost of living expenses and rent.


No, have a boat specifically for them to board where they can be process on board, so they do not drown in the sea, also not escape illegally into country.


I believe we should accept immigrants but we need to build the resources they will need before accepting them.


Yes, but the asylum seekers should be questioned for security measures


Accept them but find a way to shorten the time in camps. Supply education.


Yes, but have them stay in a temporary facility where they can have background checks and health checks and send them back if they don’t qualify for asylum

 @99Z4Y5H from GU answered…1yr1Y

I agree with Australia accepting asylum seekers and allowing them to become citizens if they can contribute to Australia, have no criminal record and clear from all drugs and alcohol. but we also have to think about the population and housing and living conditions that will be available for the immigrants


International law, to which Australia has agreed to abide, states that turning away refugees at all is right out. This is a non-starter.

The statistics, our own numbers from the ABS, show that the narrative that there's any sort of widespread deception going on with asylum-seekers has always been baseless, racist fearmongering.



Yes but until we can prove no caution, make them stay in an specific area


No, but boats should never be turned back at sea. I didn’t agree PNG should be where people are assessed and stay, but something in this space seems the most logical


yes, though it is not fair for those who came by plane it is important to understand that asylum seekers have no other option


Yes because those people came to Australia for numbers of reasons that may not even be a threat. I’m ok with security checks but it should only last two to five weeks at most and should be provided with housing and shelter that respect their human dignity.


Yes, but make sure you do the correct background checks and tests before.


Yes, but not an influx. Monitor numbers, but it is inhumane to turn away those in desperate need of shelter and safety.


Yes, and learn from overseas situations by investing in sustainable and adequate integration programs for screening , education and job placement.


 @98LDNWJfrom Massachusetts answered…1yr1Y

If they are fleeing authoritarian totalitarian rule sure let em in but have the immigration be somewhat controlled too many people and it's gonna cause a problem


Ensure that better legal pathways to asylum are establish which do not require embarking on a boat.


yes but i will depending why (e.g people trying to escape from they country and they cannot escape by air)


Depending on the circumstance, whether they are criminals or refugees from another country due to environmental issues.


Make sure they are safe and investigate the situation before allowing them in


Yes do not turn them back but screen them. These people only came by boat out of desperation, we should not turn them back. However, we need to be cautious about certain cultural differences when integrating them into society so prevent increased violence.


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