Try the political quiz

2 Replies

 @4ZQVQGHLiberal Democratfrom Western Australia answered…3yrs3Y

No one needs nuclear missiles anymore than Americans need semi auto guns in their houses. No point taking it off just one. The USA is just as crazy.

 @9KM7C7ZOne Nationanswered…2mos2MO

No, we do not want to anger them. We can only hope someone on their side can convince them that it's not necessary.


Maybe, but we should use every diplomatic option first, and let China address the issue, but only use military strikes if North Korea presents an immediate threat to us.

 @9CFH534One Nationanswered…10mos10MO

No, we should invest in counter-measures, bomb shelters and have national campaigns that teach natural and man-made disaster training in schools, workplaces and through public communication, the same way we do for bushfires and floods.


Yes, but I’m not convinced North Korea is an active threat to Australia or it’s interests


As I am born in South Korea, and always look for the best in people, I would believe in personally going over there to discuss and LISTEN to what their leader believes, and why, talk reasonably, and offer a proposal that will help protect their country, beliefs & values, whilst protecting the other countries around the world.

 @98LDNWJfrom Massachusetts answered…1yr1Y


Yes, but only if a world leader instigates the conflict against North Korea


This question borders on the absurd. Australia should not get in any preemptive military action against any country.


Only if all other diplomatic options are exhausted, it should be done in conjuction with an international effort to destroy the North Korean dictatorship and reunify the peninsula.


Yes, but only if it becomes a near-certain threat that North Korea is planning to attack Australia or its allies


Australia should defend itself from any threats to security, sovereignty and interests.



No, we must try diplomatic options and if the threat increases than it should be a valid option


No, we should form friendly relations with them as a means to prevent being fired upon


No, we must use diplomacy first but should conflict break out, the Australian Defence Force will deliver military action.


No, though it should be conducted the threat of nuclear war and or WW3 is too great to commit these actions


It would be too dangerous to do this, especially to a country with a large military like this


No, but only due to the fact it would stage an all out war if they were to have these long range missiles, potentially putting our country in danger of an attack



I don’t want to be blown up when the ones that we’ve missed come crashing down


Yes, but in an international alliance as this issue is an international issue.



No, we should develop a significant deterrence arsenal. Only allowing retaliation strikes.


We do not have the military capability to strike against the DPRK without nuclear retaliation and support against us by the PRC.


In a non-nuclear war method of North Korea is going to attack Australia or its Allies the we should not be to involved.


If you strike first, that’s a lot of civilian blood on your hands.

 @92DKHTJLiberal Democratanswered…2yrs2Y

No, we must use every diplomatic option first, No, North Korea is not an immediate threat to our country & No, and I am not convinced that North Korea has or is capable of developing a long-range nuclear missile.



No, we should be aiming at increasing and developing friendly relations with North Korea in an attempt to lessen sanctions so that they may economically develop.


No, they will most likely want to use it against us if we did something.


More military strikes against an already poor, developing nation does nothing. We should respect the sovereignty of the DPRK.


No. Australia should not be striking on its own but should be part of an allied effort if necessary .


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