Try the political quiz

3 Replies

 @4XC6S94Liberalfrom Queensland answered…3yrs3Y

 @4VX9G3DLiberalfrom Queensland answered…3yrs3Y

Why should we fund laziness? Dental hygiene is a choice, just like taking a shower

 @4T7QBXQfrom Victoria answered…3yrs3Y

Yes, but only in cases of birth or genetic defects, not in cases of rot from poor self-care.

 @4WRQK9Rfrom Western Australia answered…3yrs3Y

I thought fluoridating our water aimed at this, however, high sugar diets and childhood consumption of too much sugary drinks have reversed preventative dental care. Tax the sugary drinks.

 @4WDTFMZGreenfrom New South Wales answered…3yrs3Y

People only need dental care because of western processed diet. Flouride and fillings are so bad for you


Yes but only basic otherwise people will grow lazy on brushing/flossing/taking care of their teeth.

 @9LQPCTGanswered…4 days4D

No, it should be redirected towards overall universal healthcare as dental isn't a massive issue at the moment.

 @9LP9GNKLaboranswered…6 days6D

Yes, but only with strict diagnostic criteria and auditing of dentists to ensure that they don’t over-treat.


Studies continually support the need for good dental health. Neglected dental health can lead to diabetes, heart disease etc. prevention is better and cheaper in the end but costs for dental treatments are prohibitive for so many. Need more Govt Dental programs, in our rural area it can take up to 3 years for treatment..


if Universal Dental Care is going to happen it should be accessible to 3rd world countries


Yes, but for children, senior citizens and those on concession schemes




For people with any form of craniofacial deformity from birth should have life time dental care at government hospitals


Yes, but payment for the dentist should still be based on the difficulty and complexity of the procedure



Dental shouldn't be as expensive as it is. It shouldn't cost thousands of dollars to have your teeth fixed


Yes, but pensioner, children and concession discounts or payment plans.



Yes, only for children and senior citizens but make it subsidised for everyone else


Yes, but only if they are a private company and should be reduced by 50%


Yes, but for children and senior citizens. Other citizens, can, however access a benefit based on their income.


It should be funded through medicare like doctors visits with bulk billing for low income earners and some out of pocket for the rest.



Yes, but only for children, seniors, low income earners with cover and no interest loan options available for emergency or unpreventable surgery.


Universal dental should exist and be available to those under a certain amount of earning income and therefore should be a choice if they would like to use it or not. In saying that, not all dental practices will agree to it since they would see it as them losing money as they wouldn’t be able to charge what they would like to


Yes but only for people who cant afford it. And children and senior citizens



Tax sugar and have education on healthy eating and on dental care and hygiene - keep teeth healthy


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