Try the political quiz

15 Replies

 @4VPG4NVfrom Victoria answered…3yrs3Y

How do you determine rich? Its not about salary really is it. The filthy rich do not receive standard pay and wages as normal workers do. It's these people that must be taxed and that includes all they receive and spend as corporate expenses . The normal worker gets taxed on perks and allowances. The filthy rich get away without any issue on their perks and out of pockets!

 @4SZP3NVfrom Victoria answered…3yrs3Y

Yes, but also take into consideration the number of children supported in the household


 @9LP9GNKLaboranswered…6 days6D

Governments should regularly compensate for bracket creep and reduce claimable deductions to simplify the tax system.


Raise taxes for the rich, end loopholes that allow corporations to not pay taxes, and lower the tax rate for those with low income


Yes it should creep up gradually, remove deductions and cuts over a certain value, remove taxes for everyone earning less than countries average yearly salary mean eg that 63k bs average


There should be a flat tax on all revenue or gross income on corporations and individuals so as to more fairly generate funds for reinvestment into the infrastructure/utilities that an individual or business consumes.


Have a flat tax rate on business turnover, not profit. Have a flat rate on income tax with no deductions allowed. Reduce tax rate to around 10% to analyse needed tax rate.


everyone should pay their fair share of taxation higher incomes should pay more tax then a lower income earner but no one should and will pay more the there fair share.

 @9K9VF63Labor answered…2mos2MO

raise the tax's on the top income bracket and move that money to funding domestic polices and to decreasing our national debt


Taxes should vary based on income/tax bracket. The rich will naturally be paying more than those in lower tax brackets. The rich should not receive additional tax increases.


No, but correct the current system to avoid rich people using loopholes to avoid tax.



yes and lower the taxes for middle class Australians, furthermore remove all existing tax loophole for large corporations


Reduce tax on the middle class and remove tax loopholes for large corporations, especially mining companies


No they should collect tax only to support healthcare systems and schools


No, everyone should be treated equally no matter if you are rich or poor.



 @99CWM5Vfrom Guam answered…1yr1Y

Yes, close all existing tax loopholes and require 100% income tax on all income over $1B, decrease taxes on low income earners, and abolish flat taxes like GST.

 @99B7QC3from New York answered…1yr1Y


No, but increase the personal take home allowance for the lowest paid and causal workers

 @992LLJKSocialist Allianceanswered…1yr1Y

Yes, raise the top marginal tax rate on the rich, close tax loopholes and greatly lower taxes on the poor and middle class.


Remove the income tax and stamp duty and create a housing tax where property owners must pay a percentage of the property's value yearly.


Yes, and remove all existing tax loopholes for large corporations, especially mining companies and companies that negatively affect the environment


Establish an agreed poverty line and make it illegal for any government to tax a person who lives below this poverty line. Establish an agreed affluence line above which a person clearly has “more than enough” and remove the right to reduce ones taxable income over and above this line. Flatten the tax rate only after these first 2 steps have been completed.



The taxes for the rich will only increase a bit but increase more largely for foreign companies and close loopholes.


Yes and lower taxes for the poor and remove all tax loopholes for large corporations


Yes, and remove all tax loopholes for large and multinational corporations.

The tax is fair they just use loop holes to get around it. So someone smarter then me needs to fix it


abolish the income tax, increase sales tax and fix loopholes used by national and multinational corporations.


Yes, and make it relative to their income and lower taxes for the poor.


Maybe raise taxes for the very rich just a little bit, and remove tax loopholes for large corporations


The governments should maintain the same rates of taxation but remove the tax loop holes that are currently abused. As well as to ensure companies pay appropriate tax, potentially even raising it


Taxes should be tiered, and equivalent to the amount of income and assets one has, with close monitoring for tax evasion/system loopholes for the wealthy to exploit.


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