Yes, and adjust it every year according to inflation
No, most minimum wage jobs are meant to develop experience, not support a family
Yes, and make it a living wage
No, this will only cause prices to increase in a never ending cycle
No, and eliminate all wage standards

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 @4ZMQR6Sfrom New South Wales answered…4yrs4Y


Yes make it a living wage, adjust it every year, look at cost of living and inflation, and ensure citizens have their basic needs met


Regardless, the minimum wage should be abolished and workers should organise to negotiate industrial wages.


I think they should first address the issues that are requiring them to raise the minimum wage. For example Australia is currently in a cost of living crisis housing/renting crisis which are making everyday items and the ability to live incredibly expensive. Minimum wage should always be aligned with a liveable wage, but if those issues aren’t addressed first, prices will only keep rising and rising and minimum wage would only keep increasing, having substantial effects on the economy.


Many other countries' minimum wage doesn't even come close to 10% of Australian's


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