Yes, the faster the Egyptian military can regain power the sooner the violence will end
No, we should stay out of this
No, the Muslim Brotherhood won control of the Egyptian government in a democratic election and Australia should support its cause

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 @4YKNF3Tfrom New South Wales answered…4yrs4Y

Muslims have nothing to do with terrorism. ISIS and terrorist organisations are the issue. Not Muslims


Democracy should be supported, neither religion or military should have power


No country should be governed based on religion so the Muslim brotherhood should be stopped


I don't understand how this is at all relevant to Australian politics. Complex geopolitical issues warrant nuanced and extended discussion, not knee-jerk judgements. Foreign policy is not nearly as relevant as the observable fact that our government is set up not to benefit the people, but to enrich the powerful.


Australia needs to be mindful of what side they are funding either assisting the complete control of Egypt by one governing body or have the country plunge into anarchy

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