Yes, and take an active stance to stop whaling all over the world
No, take a diplomatic approach to discourage Japanese whaling
No, just prevent Japanese whaling in Australian waters

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Other Popular Answers

Unique answers from Australia users whose views extended beyond the provided choices.


I don't agree with whaling but we can't be telling other cultures what to do when we still let our native people kill endangered animals like sea turtles and dugongs... So no.


Not exactly, but prevent whaling in Australian waters, and take a diplomatic approach to discourage whaling.


Yes, when it violates our own waters, and we should work diplomatically with other nations to find alternatives to current natural and living resource depletion


Support more humane methods and a cap on the number based on observed populations and limit impacts on breeding Cycles


Take an active stance specifically against commercial whaling. Traditional hunting practices are not equivalent to commercially hunting endangered species to near extinction


Yes, however, the "aggressiveness" shouldn't be taking military actions, or shooting the Japanese Whalers.