Yes, as long as the organization is internationally recognized as a terrorist group
No, they should be detained, investigated, and given a fair trial once they re-enter our country

Historical Results

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Historical Importance

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Other Popular Answers

Unique answers from Australia users whose views extended beyond the provided choices.

 @4WJMKSRfrom Victoria answered…4yrs4Y

Depends on what is being classed as a terrorist organisation and the level of involvement. Graffiti artist? Your alright mate. Isis? You're not Australian.

 @4ZDGNRGfrom New South Wales answered…4yrs4Y

Does that also include terrorism within Australia from all groups or individuals that do nothing but promote fear in the way you live?

 @4XZQSY7from South Australia answered…4yrs4Y

'Terror organisations' are created by the CIA and the fake jew zionists. They are your 'terrorists'. You wouldn't like some money grubbing control freak coming in and shooting up the place, these people certainly didn't.

 @4XCK35Mfrom New South Wales answered…4yrs4Y


Depends on circumstance. They should receive a fair trial. Whether or not they're deported should depend on dual citizenship and how long they've been in Australia.