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majority of pro-life people are male, and financially stable - majority of those who receive abortion are not. this means that people that are pro-life have should have no stance, opinion or voice on abortion as they have such little understanding of abortion - and never will, so what point in going by their opinion if they will never ever have to experience such thing. victims of rape or incest had zero intention of being pregnant - and going in without a father is even worse. abortion is not a debate, it is not your body or life.


Everyone should have bodily autonomy. If conservative leaning people are against abortion but focus on the protection of freedom of speech and autonomy are hypocritical due to their desire for autonomy but actively aim to take away other peoples.


The impact of an unexpected pregnancy is a life altering experience. Forcing this impact on unwilling participants is contrary to ANY and every notion of autonomy and freedom which is to say nothing of the fact that the alternative is punitive in nature for all parties.


The right to bodily autonomy. Why do you care what someone else does with their own body? Does it hurt you?


Keeping an unwanted child can cause more harm than good. This can wreck the parents and the child's life. Keeping a life can destroy more than one. People aren't ready to have kids and cannot give them the care that they need. That can destruct more lives and do more harm than good. There is a limit and line to where the government can have power over a women’s body, especially when there is no equivalent for men. It should be the choice of only the two people involved about what is to happen to their future and whether this potential child would be supported well enough, mentally, financially, and lovingly.


A baby is only considered a foetus after week 9 of gestation, any time before that it is a clump of cells known as a zygote. This has no features of a human and if the mother has been raped and become pregnant, there is no decrease of human life, as the zygote is still cells growing. If there is a risk to the life of the mother months before the birth and it is best to abort the pregnancy to save the mothers life, it is not a decrease in life as the baby has not finished growing, and the mother can try again.


Only 9.7% of participants felt women who have abortions are doing “something wrong” and 11.8% agreed with the statement, “a woman who has more than one abortion is irresponsible”. Most (89.1%) participants agreed that they, “respect a health professional who helps women have a safe abortion”.


Removing access to abortion doesn’t stop abortion. It stops safe abortions. Leading to more avoidable deaths.


There are limits on how many weeks into abortion you can abort. That exists for a reason. Her body, her life, her choice.


Females have been shamed on for feeling that aborting a child is wrong but if them as a parent feel as if they are not fit they should have every right to not keep it


Some people do not have the required mental or financial sustainability to give a child a good quality of life. It is a very demanding process to raise a child and also to birth one. There are many people who are not ready for such responsibilities associated with a child who may have practiced safe sex but accidentally fallen pregnant. It is a massive life changing decision which people should have the choice to go through. Abortion is not at all murder as the fetus is incapable of life without support from the mother.


Rape is never fair it is not a choice and forcing anyone of any age to have a child and look after that resposibilty is not fair, how can a teenager who was raped look after a child.

 @B38G8MB agreed…2wks2W

Pro-choice is the only right answer.
People can have access to assisted dying as it’s humane but not an abortion? Insane.

 @B2Y5C3X agreed…3wks3W

most abortions happen in the first six weeks of gestation the fetus doesn’t have a heartbeat or brain waves at that point and cannot survive outside the womb and if an abortion does happen late which only 1% of them do it is health reasons for the mother or child


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