Abortion is a medical procedure resulting in the termination of a human pregnancy and death of a fetus. Abortion is legal in Australia in every state except for Queensland and New South Wales. Abortion is legal in every state if it is needed to protect the life of the mother.
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People should need a license to breed!
@4ZGSTDXLiberal Democrat4yrs4Y
Duel decision,unless in cases of rape,incest or danger to the mother or child or with written consent of both mother and father to have an abortion within 3 months.Legally it should be both parents decision.If father wants an abortion and mother doesn't he should not be held financially responsible for the child and vice versa if the father does want the child and the mother doesn't.
Why is abortion okay? Isn't it ending an innocent human life
I feel like it would depend on the situatuion. If it's just a couple that didn't use protection, then it they shouldn't be aloud to have an abortion. But if a little girl gets raped, and can't mentally or physically have a child, should be able to have an abortion. Being in this situation would be terrifying.
Pro-life under certain conditions - if you are very young and really want an abortion then yes - and maybe if you have been raped - but mainly not as we don't want to kill people who have huge lives ahead of them.
“but mainly not as we don't want to kill people who have huge lives ahead of them.”
What if the parent can't take care of the child? What if they cannot financially support the child for 18 (or more) years?
Also, "Don't want to kill people who have huge lives ahead of them." We have no idea how the child is going to turn out. They could be an extremely respectable doctor, or they could become an overindulgent, self-absorbed, hedonistic basement dweller. And what about children in adoption centers? They have their whole life ahead of them as well, but adoption facilities are so underfunded and no one wants to adopt children.
Forcing people to have children… Read more
I think that abortion should focus more on sex education to reduce unwanted pregnancies. I remain neutral in this regard.
Agreed! Definitely need more funding for sex education, and also contraception.
My opinion: I think abortions should be a last resort, but I know that in some cases, it can't be helped. I think abortions should be available as an option though. That's all there is to it. The right to choose.
No as you can wear protection
Protection might not always work due to a variety of reasons. (Pills not taking effect, broken condoms, IUDs not working correctly, etc.)
depending on the situation, such as rape, then yes, but if it is a mistake then take responsibility
Why rope the children into it though? If it's the mistake of the parent, what's stopping them from being irresponsible with the child? If they get pregnant as a "mistake", why make the child be the punishment? You're essentially saying "You got pregnant, now you have to raise and care for this child". Having a child should be a great thing! Taking care of and nurturing another human being can be a beautiful thing. I would hate to grow up knowing that my mother hated me and that I was her punishment.
And what if they take all the precautions? (Birth control, condoms, IUDs, and other forms of contraception). They clearly did not want to have the child, and took all the preventative measures but still got pregnant. Abortion might be their only option left.
I am a male and only woman should have an opinion on this. Men don't get to tell women what they should do.
I'm a woman and no, the men need an opinion because it is their child
I understand what your saying, but it is the woman that will have to carry the child and give birth, and likely also the woman that will have to mainly raise the child once its born, having a child will affect the woman's life far more than a man's, while men are allowed to have an opinion the woman should have the final say
Pro-life, with the waiver that if a woman's life is at risk and at least two doctors agree she is, then an abortion should be allowed. In general though, abortions should be discouraged, and neither women or men should be allowed to insist on an abortion for the woman in question, nor she herself, if neither child or woman is in any physical danger.
Nothing to do with Church OR State - Leave it out of the Political Arena
Pro-choice, whilst also allowing fathers access to a financial abortion in the event they become an unwilling father.
Would of been fine with it if people didn't treat it as analogous to condoms, subsequently leading to a horrific absence of personal responsibility.
the idea that women use abortion as a casual form of birth control is a complete myth, i guarantee you almost all the women that have had abortions would say it is a harrowing, uncomfortable and stressful experience that they hope to never go through again
@9SFYG5KOne Nation6mos6MO
I am in the middle, don't have abortions if the mother is going around sleeping and not using protection However, if a women is a victim of r**e, and other things like that, i think that abortion may be appropriate then.
Pro life, except in danger of the mother or child. Providing more social services, education and birth control to reduce abortions.
What about mental, physical or financial capabilities for providing and caring for the child? If someone is ill-equipped to take care of a child, why should we allow them to bring someone into the world? Why should we take away their right to choose?
Not all parents could/should take care of a child - and some just don't want to. Mental health is an important factor to consider as well. Personally, I wouldn't want to have a child that I am not in the right mindset to care for. I wouldn't be able to take care of them financially either. Between rent, groceries, bills, sudden expe… Read more
i would say i would lean more pro life but there should be exemptions such as if the woman is in danger of dying or severe medical problems from the child's birth,rape or incest
What about parents who have mental, physical, and/or financial problems when caring for the child?
Some parents are not capable of taking care of children. What are your thoughts on parents who cannot take care of the child financially? What about parents who are not mentally or emotionally equipped to care for a child? For example, severe depression, or an extreme mental illness that could possibly cause harm to the parent or the child.
Pro-Choice as women are in control of themselves but after a few months it should be banned because its not really fair and people that shouldn't have children should get aborted.
Pro-choice, women should able to be in control of their own bodies and have a choice, especially if they have been raped or abused they should get the choice to abort, but after 4-6 months I think it would be wrong to abort the baby at that stage.
More social services and mental health counselling for women in low socioeconomic situations that gives them more viable options than just abortion. Many women who abort die to financial pressure want to keep their pregnancy - and would do so, if they had financial support. I am in favour of more support to mothers and that includes pregnant women.
Pro-Life but there can be some way arounds like under-age, rape, incest but anything after 3 months should not be allowed
Pro-choice, but limit them so after 4 months they are available only within reason (rape, danger to mother or child, birth defect). If someone is having many abortions refer them to doctor for birth control/education.
pro choice, but it shouldnt be emphasised as another form of birth control
I believe that its fair to have an abortion of different circumstances.
Yes but fathers should get a say
I don't agree with abortion because the male should have worn a condom before having sex so the female would be well aware.
Abortion is not good whatsoever
@B2ZH3DZ5 days5D
Economic relief to individuals to ensure wanted child births and to allow couples who want couples to have children to be allowed to do so.
Pro-life but allow in cases of danger to the mother. Increase birth control, sex education and social services.
Like hungary we should incentivise having children. Reward parents for making new australians instead of having to import them/
@B25NR7NOne Nation2mos2MO
Don't agree with it or like it, only if the child or mother is in danger or its life threatening and at the day it's not my decision
your body your choice, it doesn't concern me, yes people should have rights over their body and in some cases the baby is due to rape or other instances, but also no, as a life is still a life
Pro-Life, but it should be allowed if the pregnancy was the result of really close incest or if the mother's life is endangered unless if the mother is a terrible person
Pro choice, ban after first 3 months and provide birth control sex education and more social services
not your body, not your life, not your choice. I support PRO CHOICE all the way!!! Anyone who intimidates or impacts a persons right to chose must be viewed as a menace to society.
Pro-choice, but van after the first 5 months with exceptions of rape or danger to the mother or child.
Pro choice but ban at the time the child can survive outside of the womb except for cases where keeping the baby is a threat to the mother
Pro choice but there needs to be a trigger for support, birth control and intervention for those who are overutilising or abusing the procedure. It is an important thing to have access to but is not a form of birth control.
Allow before 12 weeks anytging after tht no unless , rape / health of mother or issues with the fetus that will affect its quality of life
Pro-choice, supply better access to birth control and social service. Anyone who is a victim of becoming pregnant by crime such as Domestic violence or rape should be immediately treated into a program that has free counselling.
Pro-choice, because if someone is rapped, and falls pregenant they should have the choice to abort it.
"Pro-choice, but ban after the first three months"? Pro-life doesn't mean no abortion at all, Pro-life agrees that in early stages then you can still abort. I don't have an opinion on this matter, but I'm more pro-choice than pro-life.
Pro-Life but very accepting to help people who are financially in trouble, rape and always save the mother.
Pro-choice but ban after the first 3 months, provide sex education, birth control and add a special circumstance clause for late term disability of child/danger to mother/rape/incest
The choice should be between the mother and father for the first 10 weeks of pregnancy. After 10 weeks it should be banned. Cases of rape, incest or danger to the mother abortion at anytime is acceptable, but proven beyond a reasonable doubt to be factually true.
Pro-life and and providing birth control, sex education, and more social services will help reduce the number of abortions
Pro-choice, but only to avoid abortions taking place in unsafe circumstances and in cases of rape, incest or danger to the mother or child.
Pro life, but not allowed after 1st trimester BUT allowed after 1st trimester if it is a victim of rape, incest or dangers the mother or child.
really depending if the mother or anyone really is going to be able to affords for its 18yrs and is actually willing to do that
@9DF9CQ6One Nation1yr1Y
If the female has the choice to do an abortion then the male has a choice to leave the child
Just kill the baby and the mother :)
Should be an option if giving birth is going to be fatal to the mother.
it depends on how far in the pregnancy, if it's early then they are allowed to abort, HOWEVER not if the child has started to form as for then it is a living organism
I think it is up to the person without being forced by someone because sometimes people like having babies and some people can't afford them but to me I will never take a life but that is I believe in people in living but if can't afford it and send the child to be adopted
It’s not black or white. It’s very contextual. Abortion is fine when fetus is not sentient. If the fetus becomes sentient after certain amount of weeks (whatever the scientific consensus is), it becomes a legal matter. Penalties and fines, prison, if they proceed with the abortion if they wait for the last minute when the fetus is practically a baby, a human.
prochoice unless you can provide for the baby,there is no risk of death for you or your child and the creation of the child was concentual
Pro-life but in those instances where the parents are unable or unwilling to take on the child allow it to live and make adoption easier, like it used to be
pro-choice for victims of rape or incest and only for a certain amount of time after conceiving, there should also be more sex education and resources for women who have to go through stuff like this
Pro-choice, but the people arguing on both sides are quite profoundly dumb
Morally - pro life. Legally - pro choice
abortion shouldnt be right i know if you have been raped its sad you have to take a life that hasnt even been boared yet
Yes only for the first 8 weeks unless it causing a high risk medical problem like if the mouth dies or there is a serious medical procedure that the fetus is in the way of
Abortion is murder and should be legislated as such. If the life of the mother is in the balance then a court exemption should be applied for. Additional education and adoption services made available. Too many infertile couples and no options to adopt in this country.
Pro-choice, but ban after the first 20 weeks, excluding cases where the mother's life is threatened.
Only if the mother is homeless.
There should be a certain amount of time eg 3 months - 4 that you can have an abortion (Both)
Pro life, but allow for cases of rape and danger to the mother (only within a certian time frame)
people can do what they want to do
everyone should have the right and the option to as of not everyone can help support
Pro-Life, but allow in cases of danger to the mother or child and provide more social services to help with the raising of the child
@9684N3NLiberal Democrat2yrs2Y
It should be the business of the doctor and patient, no one else
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