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 @9PSXSTR answered…5hrs5H

No should also find ways to rehabilitate the individual and focus on mental health and physical health everyone deserves…

 @9PSXSTR answered…5hrs5H

The government should be looking into more alternative practises to help one’s health and not look at everyone as short…

 @9PSXSTR answered…5hrs5H

No however children should be homeschooled til a certain age for proper emotional growth within selves to create a more…

 @9PSXSTR answered…5hrs5H

Australia should end being within the monarchy and have a body that is based on indigenous living that will work with wh…

 @9PSWMJT answered…6hrs6H

The performance of the Newman government

 @ISIDEWITH asked…5hrs5H

How do you feel about using nuclear energy in Australia, considering environmental and safety concerns?

 @ISIDEWITH asked…7hrs7H

Do you believe individuals like Assange, who expose secrets, are champions for truth or threats to security?

 @ISIDEWITH asked…7hrs7H

How would you feel if, after years of struggle, you were suddenly welcomed back as a hero in your own country?

 @ISIDEWITH linked…5hrs5H

Anthony Albanese launches new attack on nuclear, prepares to unveil Future Made in Australia Act

 @ISIDEWITH linked…5hrs5H

‘It’s ridiculous’: Tony Abbott calls out Albanese government’s nuclear stance

 @ISIDEWITH linked…7hrs7H

Julian Assange hugs and kisses wife as he arrives in Australia to cheering crowds